有 Java 编程相关的问题?




... ... Caused by: javax.naming.ConfigurationException: A JNDI operation on a "java:" name cannot be completed because the server runtime is not able to associate the operation's thread with any J2EE application component.  This condition can occur when the JNDI client using the "java:" name is not executed on the thread of a server application request.  Make sure that a J2EE application does not execute JNDI operations on "java:" names within static code blocks or in threads created by that J2EE application.  Such code does not necessarily run on the thread of a server application request and therefore is not supported by JNDI operations on "java:" names.
    at com.ibm.ws.naming.java.javaURLContextImpl.throwExceptionIfDefaultJavaNS(javaURLContextImpl.java:534) ~[com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar:?]
    at com.ibm.ws.naming.java.javaURLContextImpl.throwConfigurationExceptionWithDefaultJavaNS(javaURLContextImpl.java:564) ~[com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar:?]
    at com.ibm.ws.naming.java.javaURLContextImpl.lookupExt(javaURLContextImpl.java:485) ~[com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar:?]
    at com.ibm.ws.naming.java.javaURLContextRoot.lookupExt(javaURLContextRoot.java:485) ~[com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar:?]

为了解决这个问题,我指的是Concurrency Utilities in Java EE。我发现ManagedExecutorServiceManagedThreadFactory有类似的描述和示例

  • ManagedExecutorService: A managed executor service is used by applications to execute submitted tasks asynchronously. Tasks are executed on threads that are started and managed by the container. The context of the container is propagated to the thread executing the task.
  • ManagedThreadFactory: A managed thread factory is used by applications to create managed threads. The threads are started and managed by the container. The context of the container is propagated to the thread executing the task. This object can also be used to provide custom factories for specific use cases (with custom Threads) and, for example, set specific/proprietary properties to these objects.


共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案




    现在,这个解决方案导致同一个web应用在Tomcat上失败。JNDI命名异常。根据我的研究,;D、 TOME服务器支持基于容器的并发,而不是Tomcat,因此我们必须使用路由机制根据底层应用服务器在代码之间切换