有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java N1QL二级索引不使用参数化IN子句

使用com.couchbase.client, java-clientversion 2.2.7我无法获得使用参数化IN子句的n1ql二级索引。请参阅下面的示例索引、查询和java代码


CREATE INDEX `indexName` ON `bucketName`(id,docType) USING GSI ;


public static final String COUNT_STATEMENT = "select count(*) as count " +
            "from bucketName " +
            "where docType = 'docId' " +
            "and id IN $ids " + 
            "and publishTimestamp between $startTime and $endTime";

Code to submit Query

public int getCountForDuration(Long startTime, Long endTime, Collection<String> ids){
    List<String> idList = new ArrayList<>(ids);
    JsonObject placeHolders = JsonObject.create()
                                        .put("ids", JsonArray.from(idList))
                                        .put("startTime", startTime)
                                        .put("endTime", endTime);
    N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.parameterized(COUNT_STATEMENT, placeHolders)            
    N1qlQueryResult result = bucket.query(query);


My question is this how do I create a secondary index which will be used by my query.

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    CREATE INDEX `indexName` ON `bucketName`(type) WHERE `type`="entityType"

  2. # 2 楼答案

    我通过添加一个额外的is not missing子句解决了这个问题,出于某种原因,这个问题得到了解决。同样的解决方案也适用于我。以下是更新后的查询:

    public static final String COUNT_STATEMENT = "select count(*) as count " +
            "from bucketName " +
            "where id is not missing " + 
            "and docType = 'docId' " +
            "and id IN $ids " + 
            "and publishTimestamp between $startTime and $endTime";

    @Ben Wilde comment -

    "The reason the "is missing" is required is because the first entry in an index (in 'this' case id) cannot be missing. So documents that have a missing id will not be in the index so if you do not use a field that is already constrained by conditions set by your index, then you will have to specify that it is not missing to ensure that can go to your secondary index"