有 Java 编程相关的问题?




Write a method that takes in an array of salary values and a double rise rate, to calculate and return the array of salaries after they are raised. If, for example, the rise rate is 1.07 and one has the salary of £20000, then after raising the salary is 20000 X 1.07 = 21400.



public class salary
    public static double [] salary ()
        double [] salary = {20000};
        riseRate = 1.07;
        for (int i = 0; i<salary.length; i++)
            salary [i] = salary[i] * riseRate;
        return salary;

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    Write a method that takes in an array of salary values and a double rise rate

    public static void foo(double[] salaries, double riseRate){...}

    return the array of salaries after they are raised

    public static double[] foo(double[] salaries, double riseRate){...}

    If, for example, the rise rate is 1.07 and one has the salary of £20000, then after raising the salary is 20000 X 1.07 = 21400

    public static double[] foo(double[] salaries, double riseRate){
        for(double salary : salaries){
            salary *= riseRate;
        return salaries;
