有 Java 编程相关的问题?




class Main {
    companion object {

        fun main(args: Array<String>) {
            val result1 = Main().nonAsyncMethod1(arrayListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
            result1.elements.forEach { println(it) }

    class Result1(var elements: Collection<String>)

    fun asyncMethod1(x: Collection<Int>, callback: (Result1) -> Unit) {
        Thread().run {
            // do some calculation
            callback(Result1(x.map { "\"$it\"" }.toList()))

    private fun nonAsyncMethod1(entities: Collection<Int>): Result1 {
        val resultHandler = ResultHandler<Result1>()

        awaitReply<Result1> {
            asyncMethod1(entities, resultHandler)
        return resultHandler.getResponse()

    open class ResultHandler<T : Any> : (T) -> Unit {
        private lateinit var response: T
        private val latch = CountDownLatch(1)

        override fun invoke(response: T) {
            this.response = response

        fun getResponse(): T {
            return response

    private fun <T : Any> awaitReply(call: () -> Unit) {
        return call.invoke()

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    您可以使用带有协同路由的回调来包装异步函数 (协同程序类似于C#async/await,您可以创建看起来非常同步但执行异步的异步代码)


    There is a simple pattern. Assume that you have someLongComputation function with callback that receives some Value that is a result of this computation.

    fun someLongComputation(params: Params, callback: (Value) -> Unit)` 

    You can convert it into a suspending function with the following straightforward code:

    suspend fun someLongComputation(params: Params): Value = suspendCoroutine { cont ->
        someLongComputation(params) { cont.resume(it) } 

    挂起函数只能在协同路由上下文中调用(例如使用launch{ }),但是为了等待,可以使用^{},然后它应该等待协同路由完成。这会产生你想要的行为

  2. # 2 楼答案


    我使用Kotlin协同程序文档的“Wrapping callbacks”部分详细介绍的协同程序实现了以下解决方案:

    class Main {
        companion object {
            fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
                val result1 = Main().nonAsyncMethod1(arrayListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
                result1.elements.forEach { println(it) }
        class Result1(var elements: Collection<String>)
        fun asyncMethod1(x: Collection<Int>, callback: (Result1) -> Unit) {
            Thread().run {
                // do some calculation
                callback(Result1(x.map { "\"$it\"" }.toList()))
        suspend fun nonAsyncMethod1(entities: Collection<Int>): Result1 = suspendCoroutine {
            cont ->
                asyncMethod1(entities) { cont.resume(it) }