有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java DynamicAsper:一页3个报告部分


2013                                           2012                       2011
                      NewCol1    NewCol2                  
Dept       Item      col1 col2 col3 col4       col1 col2 col3           col1 col2 col3

1          A         1    2     4     5         1    2    3              1    2    3 

1          A         1    2     4     5         1    2    3              1    2    3 

1          A         1    2     4     5         1    2    3              1    2    3   


1          A         1    2     4     5         1    2    3              1    2    3 

1          A         1    2     4     5         1    2    3              1    2    3 

1          A         1    2     4     5         1    2    3              1    2    3   

我使用DynamicAsper,将2013年、2012年和2011年视为三个不同的子报告,并试图 生成它。但我得到的2012年和2011年的数据是不同的。有人能帮我用DynamicAsper设计上面的布局吗?2013年、2012年和2011年是同一行中的三个不同标题

public class LayoutDesigner
    public DynamicReport buildReportLayout(List<Mylist> list)
               /* List is the Java bean which contains all the data to be exported.*/

            throws ColumnBuilderException, ClassNotFoundException
        int colIndex = 1;
        int colSpanSize;
        FastReportBuilder drb = new FastReportBuilder();

        AbstractColumn columnArea = ColumnBuilder.getNew()        
                            .setColumnProperty(ReportDetails.COLUMN_PROPERTY[0], String.class.getName()) /* ReportDetails conatins header and properties to be mapped.. */
                            .setTitle(ReportsDetails.COLUMN_PROPERTY[0]).setWidth(new Integer(100))
        AbstractColumn column1 = ColumnBuilder.getNew()        
                            .setColumnProperty(ReportDetails.COLUMN_PROPERTY[1], String.class.getName())
                            .setTitle(ReportsDetails.COLUMN_PROPERTY[1]).setWidth(new Integer(100))
                            ........../*  Defining other Abstrct Columns */

        GroupBuilder gb = new GroupBuilder();
        DJGroup djb = gb.setCriteriaColumn((PropertyColumn) columnArea)        

                        ........./*   added all essential variables */



        /*  I grouped and now doing column span for clubbing col1 col2  under NewCol1. Also col1 col2 under NewCol2. This is also working.
         Problem here is I want one more layer of span to club NewCol1 and NewCol2 under 2013, but this is not working and I am not sure how to do.
         So I thought of 2 reports one containing 3 diferent columns (2013,2012 and 2011)  and another remaining data. But just with 3 different columns I cant show it, since without a column property, I cant define COlumns in a report..*/

        for (int i = 0; i < LAYOUT.length; i++)
            drb.setColspan(colIndex, colSpanSize,String.valueOf(ReportDetails.LAYOUT[i]));
            colIndex = colIndex + colSpanSize;
        DynamicReport dr = drb.build();
        return  dr;

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    1. 根据区域组成报告组
    2. 将区域标题放入区域组标题中
    3. 将所有其他标题放在列标题中
    4. 在细节栏中,将部门、项目和3个子报告并排放置


    Design for the above requirement