有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我一辈子都搞不懂这个项目的问题。当试图添加记录或显示记录时,我的程序会询问我是否要查找更多记录。每次我输入yn时,程序都会执行我的errMessage()方法。两个输入都会出现错误消息,然后显示Have a Nice Day!


public class cmdLst_C 
    // main() method
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // variable declarations
        // declare loopagain as boolean assigned true

        boolean loopagain = true;

        // declare strArg as String

        String strArg;
        String strMenu;

        /** Declare strMenu as String and Assign a string that creates a menu as follows:
        * [A]dd record
        * [F]ind record
        * [S]how All records 

        strMenu =  " [A]dd record\n " +
                   " [F]ind record\n " +
                   " [S]how All records\n ";

        // determine there is a command line argument by testing the args array for a length of 0
        if (args.length == 0)

            // create a loop statement using the boolean loopagain variable
            while (loopagain=true) 

                // Display the menu string in an InputDialog and assign the return value to the variable strArg
                strArg = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, strMenu ,"Menu" 
                                               , JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);

                // convert the string strArg to upper case
                strArg = strArg.toUpperCase();

                // Determine if an entry was made in the dialog by testing strArg for a length greater than 0
                if (args.length == 0)

                    // setup a switch construct that uses the character value of strArg as its argument
                    switch (strArg) 
                        // if strArg is the character 'A'
                        // call the addrec() method 
                        // assign a value to the boolean loop_variable using the loopquery() method
                        case "A": 
                            if (strArg.equals("A"))  

                        // if strArg is the character 'F' 
                        // call the findrec() method 
                        // assign a value to the boolean loop_variable using the loopquery() method 
                        case "F": 
                            if (strArg.equals("F")) 

                        // if strArg is the character 'S'
                        // call the showall() method
                        // assign a value to the boolean loop_variable using the loopquery() method
                        case "S":
                            if (strArg.equals("S")) 
                        // if none of the above, run an errMessage() method 

                        // end of switch 

                    // end of strArg test        
                    // otherwise, if no entry, run an errMessage() method
                    // end of loop

                   // exit program with the MessageDialog "Have a Nice Day!"
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Have a Nice Day!");

                   // end of args test

               /** end of main() method */

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    while (loopagain=true) {


    while (loopagain==true) {


    while (loopagain) {
