有 Java 编程相关的问题?


解密数据中的java AES差异

我开发了一个实用程序,用于使用AES加密和解密文件,接收方和发送方之间的握手是在RSA PKI加密下完成的


  1. 上传CSV
  2. 使用发件人的私钥生成内容哈希
  3. 使用发送方的私钥对哈希进行签名
  4. 生成对称密钥和IV
  5. 使用接收方的公钥使用IV.使用对称密钥加密实际csv
  6. 加密对称密钥和IV


  1. 使用发送方的公钥解密哈希
  2. 使用发送方的公钥验证签名
  3. 使用接收方的私钥解密对称密钥和IV
  4. 使用对称密钥和iv解密实际csv
  5. 重新生成解密文件内容的哈希,并与解密的哈希匹配

现在,我的所有步骤都按照要求运行,但哈希不匹配。。。 当我区分纯文本csv和解密csv时。它们只有一线的区别


[Next Line]


ICIŽICI-DIV1,,,,,,,,,,[Content of second line and so on..]


我认为这是因为IV或任何需要的线路分隔。。 然而,第四个字符是某种编码问题



// Read content from CSV file..
    public String readCsv ( String file ) {

        // String builder to read all lines in one string..
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Line variable to hold each line data..
        String line = EMPTY_STRING;

        try {

            // Read CSV file.. 
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) );

            // Read each line and append it to String builder
            while ( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) {
                sb.append( line );
                sb.append( "\n" );

        // In case of exception..
        catch ( Exception e ) {

            System.out.println( "Exception in reading csv = " + e );


        return sb.toString();

String encryptedPaymentFile = AESEncryptFile(  contentOfFile.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) , AESParams.getKey(), AESParams.getIV() );

String contentOfFile = readCsv( encryptedFilePath ) ;

// Function to encrypt the file with AES Algorithm..
    public static String AESEncryptFile( byte[] input, SecretKeySpec key, byte[] initVector )  {

        // Initialize Cipher variable and encryption variable..
        Cipher cipher = null;
        byte[] cipherInBytes = null;

        try {

            /* 1. Set the cipher to AES Algorithm, CBC Mode and PKC5 Padding scheme..
             * 2. Set the Cipher mode to encryption using key and initVector..
             * 3. Get the encrypted text 
             * 4. return the cipher text with base64 encoding..
            cipher = Cipher.getInstance( "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" );
            IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec( initVector );
            cipher.init( Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, ivSpec );
            cipherInBytes = cipher.doFinal( input );

            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( cipherInBytes );


        // In case of exception..
        catch ( Exception e ) {

            System.out.println( "Exception in Main File Encryption " + e ); 


        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString( cipherInBytes );



public static String decrypt ( byte[] cipherText, SecretKeySpec key, byte[] IV ) throws Exception
        //Get Cipher Instance
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance( "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" );

        //Create IvParameterSpec
        IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec( IV );

        //Initialize Cipher for DECRYPT_MODE
        cipher.init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, ivSpec );

        byte[] decodedData = Base64.getDecoder().decode( cipherText );

        String decryptedData = new String( cipher.doFinal( decodedData ) );

        return decryptedData;

symmetricKey = RSADecrypt( keyFileInBytes, "Key");
            initializationVector = RSADecrypt( ivFileInBytes, "Key");

            if ( symmetricKey.equalsIgnoreCase( EMPTY_STRING ) || 
                    initializationVector.equalsIgnoreCase( EMPTY_STRING ) ) {

                System.out.println( "Decryption of IV / KEY Failed .. " );

                generateOutput( "Decryption of .Key files Failed.." , true);


            System.out.println( "Key and IV has been decrypted.."); 

SecretKeySpec symmKey = new SecretKeySpec( symmetricKey.getBytes(), "AES" );

            decryptedMainFile = decrypt( encryptedFileInBytes, symmKey, initializationVector.getBytes() );

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