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mongodb java MongoClient何时建立到DB的连接?






共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    每个应用程序只需一次实例就可以了MongoDB Driver Quick Tour - Java似乎很清楚。编辑:我对这篇文章的理解是,当你调用MongoClient.getDB();时,就是你正在连接的时候,要确保通过他们的源代码进行解析,如果可以看到确切的时刻。编辑2:添加了到MongoDB Java驱动程序的链接,这里是MongoDB Driver,特别是您要检查的类是MongoClient,它扩展了Mongo.class,这是.getDB();所在的位置;在这个方法中,他们检查数据库缓存,如果没有,他们创建一个新的DB.class实例。在运行完代码后,它会出现在Mongo.class构造函数中,因此当您调用new MongoClient();时,它们会调用connector.start()

     public Mongo( ServerAddress addr , MongoOptions options )
            throws MongoException {
            _addr = addr;
            _addrs = null;
            _options = options;
            _connector = new DBTCPConnector( this , _addr );
            _cleaner = new DBCleanerThread();


    // To directly connect to a single MongoDB server (note that this will not auto-discover the primary even
    // if it's a member of a replica set:
    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
    // or
    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( "localhost" );
    // or
    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( "localhost" , 27017 );
    // or, to connect to a replica set, with auto-discovery of the primary, supply a seed list of members
    MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(Arrays.asList(new ServerAddress("localhost", 27017),
                                          new ServerAddress("localhost", 27018),
                                          new ServerAddress("localhost", 27019)));
    DB db = mongoClient.getDB( "mydb" );

    At this point, the db object will be a connection to a MongoDB server for the specified database. With it, you can do further operations.

    The MongoClient class is designed to be thread safe and shared among threads. Typically you create only 1 instance for a given database cluster and use it across your application.


    When creating many MongoClient instances:

    All resource usage limits (max connections, etc) apply per MongoClient instance
    To dispose of an instance, make sure you call MongoClient.close() to clean up resources