有 Java 编程相关的问题?


异步任务中的java Volatile和Synchronized

在AsyncTask的内部实现中(在Android SDK中)heresDefaultExecutorvolatile关键字声明,并且SerialExecutor中的execute()方法用synchronized关键字声明

  1. 现在,由于AsyncTask只能从UI线程执行,而且如果 我们执行AsyncTask的一个实例,我们不能执行相同的实例 除非上一个实例已完成执行,否则请再次执行。 那么,这里为什么会出现多线程的情况呢
  2. 为什么SerialExecutor有一个ArrayDeque?因为我们曾经 只能有一个任务。如果我们创建一个AsyncTask的新实例, 那么我们会不会得到一个新的ArrayDeque实例,它同样只有 要处理的任务是什么
  3. ThreadPoolExecutor的情况也是如此。为什么是线程池 对于AsyncTask的特定实例,我们可以 只有一项任务?一根线就够了

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    we cant excute the same instance again unless the previous instance has finished executing. So how come there can be cases of multiple threads here?


    Why the SerialExecutor has an ArrayDeque? Because at a time we can have only one task. If we create a new instance of AsyncTask, then wont we get a new instance of ArrayDeque,again which has only one Task to deal with?



    Same is the case with ThreadPoolExecutor. Why are the thread pools required when for a particular instance of AsyncTask,we can have only one Task? One thread is suffice for that.


    How does queuing of taks and multiple tasks come into picture? Suppose i make an instance of AsyncTask and execute it 5 times. Then if one is running, other 4 wont start. SO how can i get multiple tasks in any case?


    对于并行执行,只需使用executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, ...)

    Is it also true that since SerialExecutor is static, so only one instance of it will be used across all the AsyncTask instances and so a queue is required?
