有 Java 编程相关的问题?




public interface ToIntFunction<T> extends Function<T, Integer> {
    int applyAsInt(T value);

    default Integer apply(T value) {
        return Integer.valueOf(applyAsInt(value));




这与这个问题非常相似:Why doesn't Java 8's Predicate<T> extend Function<T, Boolean>但我意识到答案可能因语义原因而不同。因此,我正在为这个函数的简单原语替代方案重新制定问题,其中不可能有任何语义,只有原语和包装类型,甚至消除了空包装对象的可能性

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



  2. # 2 楼答案

    JDK 8中的接口爆炸是Java中一个小问题的产物:缺少值类型



    Function<String, int> myFunction;


    Function<String, Integer> myFunction;


    这解释了为什么JDK 8中有大量的接口,比如FunctionIntFunction,后者使用原语类型作为参数

    Lambda Mailing List中讨论了这一点,表明专家组正在努力解决这一问题

    lambda项目的规范负责人Brian Goetz在那里写道:

    More generally: the philosophy behind having specialized primitive streams (e.g., IntStream) is fraught with nasty tradeoffs. On the one hand, it's lots of ugly code duplication, interface pollution, etc. On the other hand, any kind of arithmetic on boxed ops sucks, and having no story for reducing over ints would be terrible. So we're in a tough corner, and we're trying to not make it worse.

    Trick #1 for not making it worse is: we're not doing all eight primitive types. We're doing int, long, and double; all the others could be simulated by these. Arguably we could get rid of int too, but we don't think most Java developers are ready for that. Yes, there will be calls for Character, and the answer is "stick it in an int." (Each specialization is projected to ~100K to the JRE footprint.)

    Trick #2 is: we're using primitive streams to expose things that are best done in the primitive domain (sorting, reduction) but not trying to duplicate everything you can do in the boxed domain. For example, there's no IntStream.into(), as Aleksey points out. (If there were, the next question(s) would be "Where is IntCollection? IntArrayList? IntConcurrentSkipListMap?) The intention is many streams may start as reference streams and end up as primitive streams, but not vice versa. That's OK, and that reduces the number of conversions needed (e.g., no overload of map for int -> T, no specialization of Function for int -> T, etc.)

    也许,将来当我们在Java中使用Support for Value Types时,我们将能够摆脱(或者至少不再需要使用)这些接口

    专家组在几个设计问题上苦苦挣扎,而不仅仅是这个问题。保持向后兼容性的需求、要求或约束使事情变得困难,然后我们还有其他重要条件,比如缺少值类型、类型擦除和检查异常。如果Java有第一个,而缺少另外两个,那么JDK 8的设计就会非常不同。所以,我们都必须明白,这是一个有很多权衡的难题,EG必须在某个地方划出一条线,然后做出决定