
2024-09-24 06:32:38 发布

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summary(id, status, value, time, aperson) and long_summary(id, who, comment, alltext)


SELECT l.id,summary.status
FROM  long_summary l INNER JOIN summary ON l.id = summary.id INNER JOIN long_summary ON summary.aperson = long_summary.who 
WHERE summary.status IN('old','new','waiting')
AND summary.value IN ('') 
AND summary.time >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 2 MONTH)
AND l.alltext LIKE '% relational database management system %' ORDER BY FIELD(summary.status,'old','new','waiting'),summary.time DESC



为此i have used SELECT DISTINCT and after that it is giving correct output without repetition of the single row。但我不明白我做错了什么? 请你建议一下好吗?你知道吗

Tags: andidnewtimevaluestatussummaryselect
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-24 06:32:38

查看发生了什么的方法是(a)创建一个精简的测试用例,以及(b)执行SELECT *,这样您就可以在其他列中看到您得到了什么,这导致了重复。你知道吗


CREATE TABLE summary(id, status, value, time, aperson);
INSERT INTO "summary" VALUES(1,'old',23,'time0','joe');
INSERT INTO "summary" VALUES(2,'new',42,'time1','bob');
INSERT INTO "summary" VALUES(3,'new',32,'time2','mike');
CREATE TABLE long_summary(id, who, comment, alltext);
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(1,'someone','i say!','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(1,'joe','joe likes','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(2,'joe','joe likes bob','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(3,'joe','joe likes mike','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(1,'bob','nice one, joe','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(2,'bob','nice one, me','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(2,'bob','double nice one, me','some text');
INSERT INTO "long_summary" VALUES(3,'bob','nice one, mike','some text');


SELECT l.id,summary.status
FROM  long_summary l INNER JOIN summary ON l.id = summary.id INNER JOIN long_summary ON summary.aperson = long_summary.who 
WHERE summary.status IN('old','new','waiting')



FROM  long_summary l INNER JOIN summary ON l.id = summary.id INNER JOIN long_summary ON summary.aperson = long_summary.who 
WHERE summary.status IN('old','new','waiting')

1|bob|nice one, joe|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|1|joe|joe likes|some text
1|bob|nice one, joe|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|2|joe|joe likes bob|some text
1|bob|nice one, joe|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|3|joe|joe likes mike|some text
1|joe|joe likes|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|1|joe|joe likes|some text
1|joe|joe likes|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|2|joe|joe likes bob|some text
1|joe|joe likes|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|3|joe|joe likes mike|some text
1|someone|i say!|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|1|joe|joe likes|some text
1|someone|i say!|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|2|joe|joe likes bob|some text
1|someone|i say!|some text|1|old|23|time0|joe|3|joe|joe likes mike|some text
2|bob|double nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|1|bob|nice one, joe|some text
2|bob|double nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|2|bob|double nice one, me|some text
2|bob|double nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|2|bob|nice one, me|some text
2|bob|double nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|3|bob|nice one, mike|some text
2|bob|nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|1|bob|nice one, joe|some text
2|bob|nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|2|bob|double nice one, me|some text
2|bob|nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|2|bob|nice one, me|some text
2|bob|nice one, me|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|3|bob|nice one, mike|some text
2|joe|joe likes bob|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|1|bob|nice one, joe|some text
2|joe|joe likes bob|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|2|bob|double nice one, me|some text
2|joe|joe likes bob|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|2|bob|nice one, me|some text
2|joe|joe likes bob|some text|2|new|42|time1|bob|3|bob|nice one, mike|some text



如果是这样,那么您需要一个GROUP BY来合并相关字段,或者在某个地方需要一个OR,更可能是第一个。你知道吗

一步一步地检查所有问同一问题的小组。如果在实际显示的列上需要GROUP BY,那么使用SELECT DISTINCT就更简单了。你知道吗

您可能还想后退一步,询问您是否真的想要一个完整的JOINlong\u summary with summary with long\u summary。那就是8*3*8=192行,你已经过滤到21行了。这有意义吗,或者你只期望,比如说,过滤掉24行?如果是后者,你就错了。要么这些JOIN中的一个根本不应该在那里,要么它应该是一对一而不是一对多JOIN,要么它出了问题。你知道吗


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