在findall()中提供字符串时,Python beautifulsou会改变行为

2024-07-04 09:05:47 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我需要找到一些带有string的代码标记,而find\u all by tagname将成功地找到所有代码标记,当我使用string方法时,它不会找到所有代码标签。这里是我的代码:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re

text = """<!-- Data starts here -->
<code>LGEL 281220Z 33010G20KT CAVOK 32/11 Q1013</code><br/>
<br/><code>TAF LGEL 281100Z 2812/2912 34018G28KT 9999 FEW020 <br/>  BECMG 2816/2818 34015KT <br/>  TEMPO 2909/2912 34015G25KT</code><br/>
<hr width="65%"/>
<!-- Data ends here -->"""

soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')

info = soup.find_all("code")
value = soup.find_all('code',string = re.compile('LGEL'))

print(value)#This will not find second code tag
print(info)#This finds all code tags successfully

Tags: 代码text标记brimportredatastring


我认为这一节解释了当在find/find_all中使用string="some text"时,它会找到.string属性匹配的标记。你知道吗



from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re

text = """<!  Data starts here  >
<code>LGEL 281220Z 33010G20KT CAVOK 32/11 Q1013</code><br/>
<br/><code>TAF LGEL 281100Z 2812/2912 34018G28KT 9999 FEW020 <br/>  BECMG 2816/2818 34015KT <br/>  TEMPO 2909/2912 34015G25KT</code><br/>
<hr width="65%"/>
<!  Data ends here  >"""

my_pattern = re.compile('LGEL')

def my_filter(tag):
    """Filter the tag."""

    return tag.name == 'code' and my_pattern.search(tag.get_text()) is not None

soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')
value = soup.find_all(my_filter)

print(value)#This will not find second code tag


[<code>LGEL 281220Z 33010G20KT CAVOK 32/11 Q1013</code>, <code>TAF LGEL 281100Z 2812/2912 34018G28KT 9999 FEW020 <br/>  BECMG 2816/2818 34015KT <br/>  TEMPO 2909/2912 34015G25KT</code>]   



from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re

text = """<!  Data starts here  >
<code>LGEL 281220Z 33010G20KT CAVOK 32/11 Q1013</code><br/>
<br/><code>TAF LGEL 281100Z 2812/2912 34018G28KT 9999 FEW020  <br/>  BECMG 2816/2818 34015KT  <br/>  TEMPO 2909/2912 34015G25KT</code><br/>
<hr width="65%"/>
<!  Data ends here  >"""

soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')
for br in soup.find_all('br'):

info = soup.find_all("code")
value = soup.find_all('code', string = re.compile('LGEL'))

print(value)#This will not find second code tag
print(info)#This finds all code tags successfully


[<code>LGEL 281220Z 33010G20KT CAVOK 32/11 Q1013</code>, <code>TAF LGEL 281100Z 2812/2912 34018G28KT 9999 FEW020   BECMG 2816/2818 34015KT   TEMPO 2909/2912 34015G25KT</code>]
[<code>LGEL 281220Z 33010G20KT CAVOK 32/11 Q1013</code>, <code>TAF LGEL 281100Z 2812/2912 34018G28KT 9999 FEW020   BECMG 2816/2818 34015KT   TEMPO 2909/2912 34015G25KT</code>]

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