
2024-09-26 18:15:03 发布

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{"number": "CHIN 242", "subject": "Chinese", "title": "Chinese Cinema and Chinese Modernity", "description": "From the fall of the Clestial Empire to the rise of China's economy today, Chinese cinema has witnessed many social changes in the modern era. This course will focus on the interaction between Chinese cinema and the process of modernization.", "fulfills": ["Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts", "Intercultural"]},

{"number": "CLAS 240", "subject": "Classics", "title": "Classical Mythology", "description": "A survey of the major myths and legends of ancient Greece and Rome.", "fulfills": ["Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts", "Quantitative"]},

{"number": "CLAS 250", "subject": "Classics", "title": "The World of Ancient Greece", "description": "A historical survey of ancient Greek culture from the Trojan War to the rise of Rome.", "fulfills": ["Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts", "Religion"]},

{"number": "CLAS 255", "subject": "Classics", "title": "Ancient Roman Culture", "description": "This course explores various cultural institutions and practices of the ancient Romans.", "fulfills": ["Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts", "Human Behavior"]},

{"number": "CLAS 265", "subject": "Classics", "title": "Greece and Rome on Film", "description": "This course explores the ways in which various events and episodes from Greek and Roman myth and history have been adapted for modern film and television.", "fulfills": ["Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts"]},

{"number": "CLAS 270", "subject": "Classics", "title": "Archaeology of Ancient Greece", "description": "An in-depth study of the archaeology of ancient Greece, with a focus on the high points of Greek civilization and material culture.", "fulfills": ["Historical", "Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts"]},

{"number": "CLAS 275", "subject": "Classics", "title": "Archaeology of Ancient Rome", "description": "This course explores the archaeology of ancient Rome from its early beginnings to its rapid growth into one of the world's largest empires.", "fulfills": ["Historical", "Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts"]},

{"number": "CLAS 300", "subject": "Classics", "title": "Classics and Culture", "description": "Using texts in translation, this course explores select aspects or themes from the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.", "fulfills": ["Human Expression\u2014Primary Texts"]},

Tags: andofthenumbertitledescriptionsubjectexpression
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-26 18:15:03

我找到了解决办法。要填充交集表,对id运行一个查询,并在小表、id和一些简单的数字上实现,然后对每个查询运行myDict = dict(map(reversed,cur.fetchall()))。在那里,使用for循环来迭代json数据,然后使用嵌套for循环来迭代fulfills和cur.execute(insert into ...)中的列表项。看起来是这样的:

cur.execute('select id, fulfills from reqs;')
dict1 = dict(map(reversed,cur.fetchall()))
cur.execute('select id, number from course;')
dict2 = dict(map(reversed,cur.fetchall()))
for x in geneds:
    for y in x:
        cur.execute('insert into table(course, req) values(%s, %s);', (dict2[x['number']], dict1[y]))

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