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# BoxDemoMain.py calling program
# demonstration of using and calling BoxClass.py pgm
import numpy as np
import BoxClassPgm
def ReportBoxDimensions(anySizeBox):
    Ht = anySizeBox.boxHeight
    Wd = anySizeBox.boxWidth
    Dp = anySizeBox.boxDepth
    print "The Height, Width, and Depth of this box is " + str(Ht) + "," + str(Wd) + "," + str(Dp)
    print "The Surface Area of this box is " + str(BoxClassPgm.BoxClass(anySizeBox).CalcSurfArea())
    print "The Volume of this box is " + str(BoxClassPgm.BoxClass(anySizeBox).CalcVolume())
largeBox = BoxClass(6,8,4)
mediumBox = BoxClass(4,5,3)
smallBox = BoxClass(3,3,3)
# BoxClassPgm.py class program
# class demonstration
import numpy as np
class BoxClass:

    def __init__(self,boxHeight=0,boxWidth=0,boxDepth=0):
        self.boxHeight = boxHeight
        self.boxWidth = boxWidth
        self.boxDepth = boxDepth

    def CalcVolume(self):
        print "height is " + str(self.boxHeight)
        boxVol = self.boxHeight * self.boxWidth * self.boxDepth
        return boxVol

    def CalcSurfArea(self):
        areaOf3Faces = BoxClass().CalcFaceAreas()
        boxSurfArea = 2 * areaOf3Faces
        return boxSurfArea

    def CalcFaceAreas(self):
        frontBack = self.boxHeight * self.boxWidth
        leftRight = self.boxHeight * self.boxDepth
        topBottom = self.boxWidth * self.boxDepth
        box3Faces = frontBack + leftRight + topBottom

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