
2024-10-03 15:25:01 发布

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B2100 Door Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2101 Head Rest Switch Circuit Failure B2102 Antenna Circuit Short to Ground`, plus 1000 lines more.


B2100*Door Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2101*Head Rest Switch Circuit Failure B2102*Antenna Circuit Short to Ground B2103*Antenna Not Connected B2104*Door Passenger Key Cylinder Switch Failure

这样我就可以在LibreOffice Calc中复制这些数据,并将其格式化为两列代码,每列都有意义。你知道吗



import re

text = """B2100 Door Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2101   Head Rest Switch Circuit Failure B2102  Antenna Circuit Short to Ground B2103   Antenna Not Connected B2104 Door Passenger Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2105    Throttle Position Input Out of Range Low B2106  Throttle Position Input Out of Range High B2107 Front Wiper Motor Relay Circuit Short to Vbatt B2108    Trunk Key Cylinder Switch Failure"""
# text_arr = text.split("\^B[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$\gi");
l = re.compile('\^B[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$\gi').split(text)


['B2100\tDoor Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2101\tHead Rest Switch Circuit Failure B2102\tAntenna Circuit Short to Ground B2103\tAntenna Not Connected B2104\tDoor Passenger Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2105\tThrottle Position Input Out of Range Low B2106\tThrottle Position Input Out of Range High B2107\tFront Wiper Motor Relay Circuit Short to Vbatt B2108\tTrunk Key Cylinder Switch Failure']


将所有内容分解为代码(B1001)和含义(后面的文本)数组,然后分别对其应用每个操作(The \nthing)。如果你对如何做这件事有更好的想法,那就更好了。我很想听。你知道吗

Tags: tokeyrestfailuredrivershortswitchantenna
import re
text = """B2100 Door Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2101   Head Rest Switch Circuit Failure B2102  Antenna Circuit Short to Ground B2103   Antenna Not Connected B2104 Door Passenger Key Cylinder Switch Failure B2105    Throttle Position Input Out of Range Low B2106  Throttle Position Input Out of Range High B2107 Front Wiper Motor Relay Circuit Short to Vbatt B2108    Trunk Key Cylinder Switch Failure"""

l = [i for i in re.split('(B[0-9]{4}\s+)', text) if i]
print '\n'.join(['{}*{}'.format(id_.strip(), label.strip()) for id_,label in zip(l[0::2], l[1::2])])


B2100*Door Driver Key Cylinder Switch Failure
B2101*Head Rest Switch Circuit Failure
B2102*Antenna Circuit Short to Ground
B2103*Antenna Not Connected
B2104*Door Passenger Key Cylinder Switch Failure
B2105*Throttle Position Input Out of Range Low
B2106*Throttle Position Input Out of Range High
B2107*Front Wiper Motor Relay Circuit Short to Vbatt
B2108*Trunk Key Cylinder Switch Failure


  • 在输入中查找任何Bxxxx字符串。你知道吗
  • 用换行符替换前面的空白。你知道吗
  • *替换它们后面的空白。你知道吗


re.sub(r'\s*(B\d{4})\s*', r'\n\1*', text).strip()


\s*              # Any amount of whitespace
   (B\d{4})      # "B" followed by exactly 4 digits
           \s*   # Any amount of whitespace


\n               # Newline
  \1             # The first parenthesized sequence from the matching pattern (B####)
    *            # Literal "*"


首先,你的正则表达式是错误的 “^B[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$\gi”

  1. 修饰符在Python上不是这样工作的
  2. ^和$表示行首和行尾,与文本中的任何内容都不匹配
  3. 倍数[0-9]可以替换为“[0-9]{4}”
  4. 如果您想忽略大小写,请在Pythonregex上使用相应的东西


l = [x.strip() for x in re.compile('\s*(B\d{4})\s*', re.IGNORECASE).split(text)]
lines = ['*'.join(l[i:i+2]) for i in range(0,len(l),2)]

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