
2024-06-28 11:03:11 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我正在用Python编写一个基于文本的冒险游戏,玩家在5x5网格上移动并拾取物品,但是我在更改玩家的坐标时遇到了问题。 coorx和coory在各自的功能范围内没有递增和递减。你知道吗

coorx = 3 #The beginning x coordinate of the player
coory = 3 #The beginning y coordinate of the player

loop = True
#The dimensions of the map are 5x5.
# __ __ __ __ __
#|  |  |  |  |  |
#|  |  |  |  |  |
#|  |  |><|  |  |
#|  |  |  |  |  |
#|  |  |  |  |  |
#>< = The player's starting position on the map

def left(coorx):
    if coorx != 1: #This checks if the x co-ordinate is not less than 1 so the player does walk off the map.
        coorx -= 1 #This function moves the player left by decrementing the x co-ordinate.

def right(coorx):
    if coorx != 5: #This checks if the x co-ordinate is not more than 5 so the player does walk off the map.
        coorx += 1 #This function moves the player right by incrementing the x co-ordinate.

def back(coory):
    if coory != 1: #This checks if the y co-ordinate is not less than 1 so the player does walk off the map.
        coory -= 1 #This function moves the player left by decrementing the y co-ordinate.

def forward(coory):
    if coory != 5: #This checks if the y co-ordinate is not more than 5 so the player does walk off the map.
        coory += 1 #This function moves the player right by incrementing the y co-ordinate.

while loop: #This loops as long as the variable "loop" is True, and since "loop" never changes, this is an infinite loop.
    move = input().lower()

    if move == "l":
        print("You move left.")
        print(coorx, coory)
    elif move == "r":
        print("You move right.")
        print(coorx, coory)
    elif move == "f":
        print("You move forward.")
        print(coorx, coory)
    elif move == "b":
        print("You move backwards.")
        print(coorx, coory)


>You move forward.
>3 3
>You move forward.
>3 3
>You move left.
>3 3
>You move left.
>3 3
>You move backwards.
>3 3
>You move backwards.
>3 3
>You move right.
>3 3
>You move right.
>3 3


Tags: therightyoumapmoveifisthis



>>> coor = [3, 3]  # x, y
>>> def left():
...     if coor[0] != 1:
...         coor[0] -= 1
>>> left()
>>> coor
[2, 3]


(我想这就是我在first version of my previous answer中的想法。)


>>> coor = dict(x=3, y=3)
>>> def left():
...     if coor['x'] != 1:
...         coor['x'] -= 1
>>> left()
>>> coor
{'x': 2, 'y': 3}



def left(x_coord):
    if x_coord != 1: 
        x_coord -= 1
    return x_coord # Do something with this


def left():
    global coorx
    if coorx != 1:
        coorx -= 1


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