
2024-09-26 22:54:21 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

所以我的程序被设计用来操纵某些坐标来创建这个图像: ![image


enter image description here 我似乎不知道如何添加另一个直线方程来创建另一个红色部分。任何帮助都将不胜感激!你知道吗

# using the SimpleGraphics library
from SimpleGraphics import *

# tell SimpleGraphics to only draw when I use the update() function

# use the random library to generate random numbers
import random

# size of the circles drawn
diameter = 15

resize(600, 400)

# returns a vaid color based on the input coordinates
# @param x is an x-coordinate 
# @param y is a y-coordinate 
# @return a colour based on the input x,y values for the given flag
def define_colour(x,y):
  #add your code to this method and change the return value
  slopeOne = (200 - 300)/(0-150)
  b = 0 - (slopeOne * 200)
  slopeTwo = (0-300)/(200 - 800)
  b = 150 - (slopeTwo * 40)

  lineEquationOne = (slopeOne * x) + b
  lineEquationTwo = (slopeTwo * x) + b

  if y > lineEquationOne:
    return "red"
  elif y > lineEquationTwo:
    return "red"
    return 'white'

# Do NOT change anything below this line

# repeat until window is closed
while not closed():
  for i in range(500):
    # generate random x and y values 
    x = random.randint(0, getWidth())
    y = random.randint(0, getHeight())

    # set colour for current circle
    setFill( define_colour(x,y) )

    # draw the current circle
    ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter)


Tags: theto程序forreturnisrandom直线
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-26 22:54:21


# using the SimpleGraphics library
from SimpleGraphics import *

# tell SimpleGraphics to only draw when I use the update() function

# use the random library to generate random numbers
import random

# size of the circles drawn
diameter = 15

resize(600, 400)

# returns a valid color based on the input coordinates
# @param x is an x-coordinate 
# @param y is a y-coordinate 
# @return a colour based on the input x,y values for the given flag
def define_colour(x, y):
    slopeOne = (200 - 300) / (0 - 150)
    b = 0 - (slopeOne * 200)
    slopeTwo = (200 - 300) / (0 - 150)
    b2 = -50 - (slopeTwo * 200)

    lineEquationOne = (slopeOne * x) + b
    lineEquationTwo = (slopeTwo * x) + b2

    if (y > lineEquationOne) | (y < lineEquationTwo):
        return "white"
        return 'red'

# Do NOT change anything below this line

# repeat until window is closed
while not closed():
    for i in range(500):
        # generate random x and y values
        x = random.randint(0, getWidth())
        y = random.randint(0, getHeight())

        # set colour for current circle
        setFill(define_colour(x, y))

        # draw the current circle
        ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter)


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