
2024-06-28 11:02:31 发布

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对不起,我知道有一千个'使独特的名单'线程。我曾试图自己解决这个问题,或者尝试破解另一个“makeunique list”解决方案,但我的python技巧并不惊人,却没有成功。你知道吗



enter image description here


raw_list = ['D:\\de05\\de05_001\\postvis\\tk_2\\blasts\\', 
'D:\\de05\\de05_019\\postvis\\tk_1\\blasts\\', ]


outputList = ['D:\\de05\\de05_001\\postvis\\tk_3\\blasts\\', 
'D:\\de05\\de05_019\\postvis\\tk_4\\blasts\\', ]


Tags: 列表技巧解决方案线程快照tklistmov
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-28 11:02:31


import os

raw_list1 = [
raw_list2 = [

def path_split(p, folders=None):
    folders = folders or []
    head, tail = os.path.split(p)
    if not tail:
        return folders
    return path_split(head, [tail] + folders)

for raw_list in (raw_list1, raw_list2):
    results = {}

    for p in raw_list:
        # Split your path accordingly
        # For something simple you could have just done s.split('\\'), but since we're working with paths, we might as well use os.path.split
        shot1, shot2, folder1, take, folder2, file_name = path_split(p)
        # If something like 'de05_019' defines your shot, make that the key
        key = shot2
        # Extract the take number into an integer
        new_take_num = int(take.split('_')[-1])
        # Try finding the take you already stored (default to Nones)
        existing_take_num, existing_path = results.get(key, (None, None))
        # See if the new take is bigger than the existing one, based on the take number.
        # Lambda is there for comparison, meaning I'm only comparing the take numbers, not the paths. I'll link the docs to max in the comments.
        value = max((existing_take_num, existing_path), (new_take_num, p), key=lambda take_num_and_path: take_num_and_path[0])
        # Assign the value (which is either the existing take, or the new take)
        results[key] = value

    for res in sorted(results.values()):
        print res
    print '*' * 80

这将输出(您也可以print res[1]只打印路径):

(4, 'D:\\\\de05\\de05_019\\postvis\\tk_4\\blasts\\')
(13, 'D:\\\\tw05\\tw05_036\\postvis\\tk_13\\blasts\\')
(1, 'D:\\de05\\de05_002\\postvis\\tk_1\\blasts\\')
(2, 'D:\\de05\\de05_017\\postvis\\tk_2\\blasts\\')
(3, 'D:\\de05\\de05_001\\postvis\\tk_3\\blasts\\')
(4, 'D:\\de05\\de05_019\\postvis\\tk_4\\blasts\\')

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