
2024-10-03 09:12:19 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

在线上有几个例子,其中if...else语句被使用多态性/继承的结构替换。This link显示了一些类似于我想要实现的东西。我有一个嵌套结构,如下所示:

def wishthiswouldbeobjectoriented(figuretype, randomtype):
  if figuretype=='list':
      # do some stuff and return a list
      out = 'figure type is list'
  elif figuretype=='random':
      if randomtype=='all':
          out = 'figure type is random and randomtype is all'
      elif randomtype=='selection':
          out = 'figure type is random and randomtype is selection'
  return out

if __name__ == '__main__':
  figuretype = 'random'
  randomtype = 'selection'
  print(wishthiswouldbeobjectoriented(figuretype, randomtype))


Tags: and代码ifistyperandomout结构


class Figure:
    def wishthiswouldbeobjectoriented(self):

class FigureList(Figure):
    def wishthiswouldbeobjectoriented(self):
        return "figure type is list"

class FigureRandom(Figure):

class FigureRandomAll(FigureRandom):
    def wishthiswouldbeobjectoriented(self):
        return 'figure type is random and randomtype is all'

class FigureRandomSelection(FigureRandom):
    def wishthiswouldbeobjectoriented(self):
        return 'figure type is random and randomtype is selection'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = FigureRandomSelection()

Commen: How would I from the text file know which object to instantiate,


class FigureFactory:
    def __new__(cls, args, **kwargs):
        # Mapping Type Keywords to real Class Definition
        figures = {('list',): FigureList,
                   ('random', 'all'): FigureRandomAll,
                   ('random', 'selection'): FigureRandomSelection
        figure = figures.get(args)
        if not figure:
            figure = Figure

        return figure(*kwargs['kwargs'])


class Figure:

    def out_list(self):
        return "Invalid Type"

    def __str__(self):
        return '{} df={}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.df)

class FigureRandom(Figure):

    def __str__(self):
        return '{} n_value={}'.format(super().__str__(), self.n_value)

Usage: Note: Invalid Type list all!

if __name__ == '__main__':    

    for cfg in [(('list',), (df,)), 
                (('random', 'all'), (df, n_points)),
                (('random', 'selection'), (df, n_accepted + 1)), 
                (('list', 'all'), (df,))]:
        figure = FigureFactory(args=cfg[0], kwargs=cfg[1])
        print('{} {}'.format(figure, figure.out_list))


FigureList df=None figure type is list
FigureRandomAll df=None n_value=1 figure type is random and randomtype is all
FigureRandomSelection df=None n_value=2 figure type is random and randomtype is selection
Figure df=None Invalid Type

Question: refactor nested if statements into classes in python

class Figure:
    def __init__(self, df):
        self.df = df

    def out_list(self):
        return None

class FigureList(Figure):
    def __init__(self, df):

    def out_list(self):
        return 'figure type is list'

class FigureRandom(Figure):
    def __init__(self, df, n_value):
        self.n_value = n_value

class FigureRandomAll(FigureRandom):
    def __init__(self, df, n_points):
        super().__init__(df, n_points)

    def out_list(self):
        return 'figure type is random and randomtype is all'

class FigureRandomSelection(FigureRandom):
    def __init__(self, df, n_accepted):
        super().__init__(df, n_accepted)

    def out_list(self):
        return 'figure type is random and randomtype is selection'


if __name__ == '__main__':    
    df = None
    n_points = 1
    n_accepted = 1

    for figure in [FigureList(df), FigureRandomAll(df, n_points), FigureRandomSelection(df, n_accepted)]:


figure type is list
figure type is random and randomtype is all
figure type is random and randomtype is selection

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