
2024-06-13 09:34:23 发布

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我是python新手,不太明白是我的逻辑还是对python中的工作原理的误解导致我误入歧途。我正在使用.join连接枚举for循环中字符串列表中的项,并接收意外的输出。具体来说,我使用python解析一个.txt文件。txt文件包含圣经中单词的数据。我想要新的输出.txt使新的圣经经文与新的诗行一致。问题是,我编写的python脚本完全跳过了测试数据输出的第6节和第23节。我怀疑这与我是如何使用for循环并行连接的,以及我对python的工作原理缺乏了解有关。然而,也可能只是我理解,但犯了一个逻辑错误。这是我的密码。请注意debug语句、我在定义的函数中使用的.join以及这将如何影响我在outer for循环中解析的字符串(“我认为我的错误在哪里,但我可能错了”)。你知道吗

def concatenateNext_string_TF( index, lines_list):
    next_wL_index = index + 1
    if next_wL_index < len(lines_list):
        #ThisIs A variable word_list: tric for splitin a string to a list of words
        problem_var = lines_list[next_wL_index]
        problem_words2 = problem_var.split()
        #Check if this is a vere or a glitch where we start in middle of verse
        if ( (problem_words2[0].isdigit() < 8) and (':' not in problem_words2[0]) ):
            return True

    return False

    #DEBUG: condition_String, real_index
def concatenateNext_string( index, lines_list, condition_String, real_index):
    next_wL_index = index + 1
    if next_wL_index < len(lines_list):
        #ThisIs A variable word_list: tric for splitin a string to a list of words
        problem_var = lines_list[next_wL_index]
        problem_words2 = problem_var.split()

        if ( (problem_words2[0].isdigit() < 8) and (':' not in problem_words2[0]) ):
            print problem_words2[0]+condition_String+"[index:"+real_index+"]" #DEBUG
            #Add a space to the next so that it doesnt join the lastW from this list and firstW from the next
            #Then Join this line and the next
            #Then replace word_list
            lines_list[index+1] = " "+lines_list[index+1]
            lines_list[index:index+2] = [''.join(lines_list[index:index+2])]
            word_list = lines_list[index].split()

    return word_list

#open the file
input_file = open( "/Users/carlosgarzon/Desktop/Projects/LearnHtml/Bereshit/BereshitPython/data_chapter1.txt", "r")

#read file into a list of lines
lines_list =

# Close the File stream handler

# The OPEN function returns a file object
write_file = open("/Users/carlosgarzon/Desktop/Projects/LearnHtml/Bereshit/BereshitPython/out_main_js.txt","w")

# Writing a VARIABLE to file in for loop
for index, var_list in enumerate(lines_list):

    #gltich: A string that does not beging where verse begins i.e genesis 1:7

    #tric for splitin a string to a list of words
    #This will be used if nothing was a glitch
    word_list = var_list.split()

    #get number of words in this verse
    num_word_lists = len(lines_list)

    #If current and next string is a glitch just join current with previous
    if ( (word_list[0].isdigit() < 8) and (':' not in word_list[0]) ) and concatenateNext_string_TF( index, lines_list):
        word_list = concatenateNext_string( index - 1, lines_list, "[cur&nextGlitch]", str(index) )
    #Catches if NEXT string is a glitch 
    if concatenateNext_string_TF( index, lines_list):
        word_list = concatenateNext_string( index, lines_list, "[nextGlitch]", str(index) )
    #If current string is a glitch join it to previous
    elif ( (word_list[0].isdigit() < 8) and (':' not in word_list[0]) ):
        word_list = concatenateNext_string( index - 1, lines_list, "[curGlitch]", str(index) )

    #not including C:V and starting on 0 index
    num_words = len(word_list) - 1

    for index2, word in enumerate(word_list):
        if len(word_list) > 1:
            #Bad Data: References, Page Title, (c) 
            if ( index2 == 0 and word.isdigit() ) or ( word_list[0] == 'The' and word_list[1] == 'Mechanical' ) or ( word_list[1] == 'Jeff' ):
                print "Bad Data"

        #DEBUG: we found a new verse. It's printing the index of the outer for loop not this one
        if ':' in word:
            print word+ "  " + word_list[1]+"("+str(index)+")"+"\n"


    #exit inner for loop        

# Close the FILE object in PYTHON



    1:1 in~SUMMIT 2363 בְּרֵאשִׁית bê'rey'shit he~did~FATTEN(V) 232 בָּרָּא ba'ra Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him AT 85 אֵת eyt the~SKY 2512~s2 הַשָּמַיִׁם ha'sha'ma'yim and~AT 85 וְּאֵת wê'eyt the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets
1:2 and~the~LAND 2331 וְּהָּאָרֶץ wê'ha'a'rets she~did~EXIST(V) 505 הָּיְּתָּה hai'tah CONFUSION 2623 תֹהוּ to'hu and~UNFILLED 106 וָּבֹהוּ wa'vo'hu and~DARKNESS 2439 וְּחֹשֶךְ wê'hho'shekh UPON 1616 עַל al FACE 1815~s פְּנֵי pê'ney DEEP.SEA 522 תְּהוֹם tê'hom and~WIND 2251 וְּרוּחַַ wê'ru'ahh Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him much~FLUTTER(V) 787~ing(fs) מְּרַחֶפֶת mê'ra'hhe'phet UPON 1616 עַל al FACE 1815~s פְּנֵי pê'ney the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמָּיִׁם ha'ma'yim
1:3 and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him he~will~EXIST(V) 505 יְּהִׁי yê'hi LIGHT 73 אוֹר
or and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi LIGHT 73 אוֹר or
1:4 and~he~will~SEE(V) 2185 וַיַרְּא wai'yar Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him AT 85 אֶת et the~LIGHT 73 הָּאוֹר ha'or GIVEN.THAT 940 כִׁי ki FUNCTIONAL 848 טוֹב tov and~he~will~make~SEPARATE(V) 100 וַיַבְּדֵל wai'yav'deyl Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him BETWEEN 193 בֵין beyn the~LIGHT 73 הָּאוֹר ha'or and~BETWEEN 193 וּבֵין u'veyn the~DARKNESS 2439 הַחֹשֶךְ ha'hho'shekh
1:5 and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V) 2147 וַיִׁקְּרָּא wai'yiq'ra Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him to~LIGHT 73 לָּאוֹר la'or DAY 898 יוֹם
yom and~to~DARKNESS 2439 וְּלַחֹשֶךְ wê'la'hho'shekh he~did~CALL.OUT(V) 2147 קָּרָּא qa'ra NIGHT 1111 לָּיְּלָּה lai'lah and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi EVENING 2724 עֶרֶב e'rev and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi MORNING 1861 בֹקֶר
vo'qer DAY 898 יוֹם yom UNIT 636 אֶחָּד e'hhad
1:6 and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him he~will~EXIST(V) 505 יְּהִׁי yê'hi SHEET 2118 רָּקִׁיעַַ ra'qi'a in~MIDST 2631 בְּתוֹךְ bê'tokh the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמָּיִׁם ha'ma'yim and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וִׁיהִׁי wi'hi make~SEPARATE(V) 100~ing(ms) מַבְּדִׁיל mav'dil BETWEEN 193 בֵין beyn WATER 1162~s2 מַיִׁם ma'yim to~WATER 1162~s2 לָּמָּיִׁם la'ma'yim
1:7 and~he~will~DO(V) 1686 וַיַעַשׂ wai'ya'as Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him AT 85 אֶת et the~SHEET 2118 הָּרָּקִׁיעַַ ha'ra'qi'a and~he~will~make~SEPARATE(V) 100 וַיַבְּדֵל wai'yav'deyl BETWEEN 193 בֵין beyn the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמַיִׁם ha'ma'yim WHICH 2589 אֲשֶר a'sher from~UNDER 2627 מִׁתַחַת mi'ta'hhat to~SHEET 2118 לָּרָּקִׁיעַַ la'ra'qi'a and~BETWEEN 193 וּבֵין
u'veyn the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמַיִׁם ha'ma'yim WHICH 2589 אֲשֶר a'sher from~UPON 1616 מֵעַל mey'al to~SHEET 2118 לָּרָּקִׁיעַַ
la'ra'qi'a and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi SO 968 כֵן kheyn2
1:8 and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V) 2147 וַיִׁקְּרָּא wai'yiq'ra Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him to~SHEET 2118 לָּרָּקִׁיעַַ la'ra'qi'a SKY 2512~s2 שָּמָּיִׁם sha'ma'yim and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi EVENING 2724 עֶרֶב e'rev and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי
wai'hi MORNING 1861 בֹקֶר vo'qer DAY 898 יוֹם yom SECOND 2541 שֵנִׁי shey'ni
1:9 and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him he~will~be~BOUND.UP(V) 2060 יִׁקָּווּ
yi'qaw'u the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמַיִׁם ha'ma'yim from~UNDER 2627 מִׁתַחַת mi'ta'hhat the~SKY 2512~s2 הַשָּמַיִׁם
ha'sha'ma'yim TO 26 אֶל el AREA 2092 מָּקוֹם ma'qom UNIT 636 אֶחָּד e'hhad and~she~be~SEE(V) 2185 וְּתֵרָּאֶה wê'tey'ra'eh the~DRY.GROUND 258 הַיַבָּשָּה hai'ya'ba'shah and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi SO 968 כֵן kheyn3
1:10 and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V) 2147 וַיִׁקְּרָּא wai'yiq'ra Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him to~DRY.GROUND 258 לַיַבָּשָּה
lai'ya'ba'shah LAND 2331 אֶרֶץ e'rets and~to~COLLECTION 2061 וּלְּמִׁקְּוֵה ul'miq'weh the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמַיִׁם ha'ma'yim he~did~CALL.OUT(V) 2147 קָּרָּא qa'ra SEA 895~s יַמִׁים ya'mim and~he~will~SEE(V) 2185 וַיַרְּא wai'yar Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים
e'lo'him GIVEN.THAT 940 כִׁי ki FUNCTIONAL 848 טוֹב tov
1 The skies and land are "fattened" In the sense of being "filled up."
2 The phrase "and he will exist so" means "and it is firmly established."
3 The phrase "and he will exist so" means "and it is firmly established."
The Mechanical Translation of the Torah The Book of Genesis
© Jeff A. Benner Page 3
1:22 and~he~will~much~KNEEL(V) 236 וַיְּבָּרֶךְ wai'va'rekh AT 85~them(mp) אֹתָּם o'tam Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him to~>~SAY(V) 1187 לֵאמֹר ley'mor !(mp)~REPRODUCE(V) 1858 פְּרוּ pê'ru and~!(mp)~INCREASE(V) 2197 וּרְּבוּ ur'vu and~!(mp)~FILL(V) 1192 וּמִׁלְּאוּ u'mil'u AT 85 אֶת et the~WATER 1162~s2 הַמַיִׁם ha'ma'yim in~the~SEA 895~s בַיַמִׁים
ba'ya'mim and~the~FLYER 1701 וְּהָּעוֹף wê'ha'oph he~did~INCREASE(V) 2197 יִׁרֶב yi'rev in~the~LAND 2331 בָּאָרֶץ ba'a'rets
1:23 and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi EVENING 2724 עֶרֶב e'rev and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi MORNING 1861 בֹקֶר vo'qer DAY 898 יוֹם yom FIFTH 1271 חֲמִׁישִׁי hha'mi'shi
1:24 and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him she~will~make~GO.OUT(V) 1922 תוֹצֵא
to'tsey the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets BEING 1902 נֶפֶש ne'phesh LIVING 667 חַיָּה hhai'yah to~KIND 1216~her לְּמִׁינָּהּ
lê'mi'nah BEAST 178 בְּהֵמָּה bê'hey'mah and~TREADER 2313 וָּרֶמֶשׂ wa're'mes and~LIVING 667~him וְּחַיְּתוַֹ wê'hhai'to2 LAND 2331 אֶרֶץ e'rets to~KIND 1216~her לְּמִׁינָּהּ lê'mi'nah and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi SO 968 כֵן kheyn3
1:25 and~he~will~DO(V) 1686 וַיַעַשׂ wai'ya'as Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him AT 85 אֶת et LIVING 667 חַיַת hhai'yat the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets to~KIND 1216~her לְּמִׁינָּהּ lê'mi'nah and~AT 85 וְּאֶת wê'et the~BEAST 178 הַבְּהֵמָּה
ha'be'hey'mah to~KIND 1216~her לְּמִׁינָּהּ lê'mi'nah and~AT 85 וְּאֵת wê'eyt ALL 957 כָּל kol TREADER 2313 רֶמֶשׂ re'mes the~GROUND 425 הָּאֲדָּמָּה ha'a'da'mah to~KIND 1216~him לְּמִׁינֵהוּ lê'mi'ney'hu and~he~will~SEE(V) 2185 וַיַרְּא wai'yar Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him GIVEN.THAT 940 כִׁי ki FUNCTIONAL 848 טוֹב tov
1:26 and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him we(cp)~will~DO(V) 1686 נַעֲשֶׂה na'a'seh HUMAN 424 אָדָּם a'dam in~IMAGE 1971~us(cp) בְּצַלְּמֵנוּ bê'tsal'mey'nu like~LIKENESS 431~us(cp) כִׁדְּמוּתֵנוּ kid'mu'tey'nu and~he~did~RULE(V) 2235 וְּיִׁרְּדוּ wê'yir'du in~FISH 395 בִׁדְּגַת vid'gat the~SEA 895 הַיָּם hai'yam and~in~FLYER 1701 וּבְּעוֹף
uv'oph the~SKY 2512~s2 הַשָּמַיִׁם ha'sha'ma'yim and~in~the~BEAST 178 וּבַבְּהֵמָּה u'va'be'hey'mah and~in~ALL 957 וּבְּכָּל
uv'khol the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets and~in~ALL 957 וּבְּכָּל uv'khol the~TREADER 2313 הָּרֶמֶשׂ ha're'mes the~TREAD(V) 2312~ing(ms) הָּרֹמֵשׂ ha'ro'meys UPON 1616 עַל al the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets
1:27 and~he~will~FATTEN(V) 232 וַיִׁבְּרָּא wai'yiv'ra Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him AT 85 אֶת et the~HUMAN 424 הָּאָדָּם
ha'a'dam in~IMAGE 1971~him בְּצַלְּמוַֹ bê'tsal'mo in~IMAGE 1971 בְּצֶלֶם bê'tse'lem Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him
1 This Hebrew word is translated in various ways including; whale, sea-monster, dragon, serpent, asp and jackal (see Exodus 7:9, Deuteronomy 32:33, Nehemiah 2:13, Job 7:12). According to these texts this is a very large creature and lives on the land and in the water, which are charecteristics of the crocodile.
2 The Hebrew literally reads "his living ones," but may be written defectively.
3 The phrase "and he existed so" Hebraicly means "and it is firmly established."
The Mechanical Translation of the Torah The Book of Genesis
© Jeff A. Benner Page 5
he~did~FATTEN(V) 232 בָּרָּא ba'ra AT 85~him אֹתוַֹ o'to MALE 1024 זָּכָּר za'khar and~FEMALE 2043 וּנְּקֵבָּה un'qey'vah he~did~FATTEN(V) 232 בָּרָּא ba'ra AT 85~them(mp) אֹתָּם o'tam
1:28 and~he~will~much~KNEEL(V) 236 וַיְּבָּרֶךְ wai'va'rekh AT 85~them(mp) אֹתָּם o'tam Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer to~them(mp) לָּהֶם la'hem Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him !(mp)~REPRODUCE(V) 1858 פְּרוּ pê'ru and~!(mp)~INCREASE(V) 2197 וּרְּבוּ ur'vu and~!(mp)~FILL(V) 1192 וּמִׁלְּאוּ u'mil'u AT 85 אֶת
et the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets and~!(mp)~SUBDUE(V) 205~her וְּכִׁבְּשֻׁהַָּ wê'khiv'shu'ah and~!(mp)~RULE(V) 2235 וּרְּדוּ
ur'du in~FISH 395 בִׁדְּגַת bid'gat the~SEA 895 הַיָּם hai'yam and~in~FLYER 1701 וּבְּעוֹף uv'oph the~SKY 2512~s2 הַשָּמַיִׁם
ha'sha'ma'yim and~in~ALL 957 וּבְּכָּל uv'khol LIVING 667 חַיָּה hhai'yah the~TREAD(V) 2312~ing(fs) הָּרֹמֶשֶׂת ha'ro'me'set UPON 1616 עַל al the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets
1:29 and~he~will~SAY(V) 1187 וַיֹאמֶר wai'yo'mer Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him LOOK 526 הִׁנֵה hin'neyh I(cs)~did~GIVE(V) 2659 נָּתַתִׁי na'ta'ti to~you(mp) לָּכֶם la'khem AT 85 אֶת et ALL 957 כָּל kol HERB 1691 עֵשֶׂב ey'sev SOW(V) 605~ing(ms) זֹרֵעַַ zo'rey'a SEED 606 זֶרַע ze'ra WHICH 2589 אֲשֶר a'sher UPON 1616 עַל al FACE 1815~s פְּנֵי pê'ney ALL 957 כָּל khol the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets and~AT 85 וְּאֶת wê'et ALL 957 כָּל kol the~TREE 1706 הָּעֵץ ha'eyts WHICH 2589 אֲשֶר a'sher in~him בוַֹ bo PRODUCE 1859 פְּרִׁי phê'ri TREE 1706 עֵץ eyts SOW(V) 605~ing(ms) זֹרֵעַַ zo'rey'a SEED 606 זָּרַע za'ra to~you(mp) לָּכֶם la'khem he~will~EXIST(V) 505 יִׁהְּיֶה yih'yeh to~FOOD 949 לְּאָכְּלָּה lê'akh'lah
1:30 and~to~ALL 957 וּלְּכָּל ul'khol LIVING 667 חַיַת hhai'yat the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets and~to~ALL 957 וּלְּכָּל ul'khol FLYER 1701 עוֹף oph the~SKY 2512~s2 הַשָּמַיִׁם ha'sha'ma'yim and~to~ALL 957 וּלְּכֹל ul'khol TREAD(V) 2312~ing(ms) רוֹמֵשׂ
ro'meys UPON 1616 עַל al the~LAND 2331 הָּאָרֶץ ha'a'rets WHICH 2589 אֲשֶר a'sher in~him בוַֹ bo BEING 1902 נֶפֶש ne'phesh LIVING 667 חַיָּה hhai'yah AT 85 אֶת et ALL 957 כָּל kol GREEN 2349 יֶרֶק ye'req HERB 1691 עֵשֶׂב ey'sev to~FOOD 949 לְּאָכְּלָּה
lê'akh'lah and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi SO 968 כֵן kheyn1
1:31 and~he~will~SEE(V) 2185 וַיַרְּא wai'yar Elohiym POWER~s אֱלֹהִׁים e'lo'him AT 85 אֶת et ALL 957 כָּל kol WHICH 2589 אֲשֶר
a'sher he~did~DO(V) 1686 עָּשָּׂה a'sah and~LOOK 526 וְּהִׁנֵה wê'hin'neyh FUNCTIONAL 848 טוֹב tov MANY 8 מְּאֹד mê'od and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi EVENING 2724 עֶרֶב e'rev and~he~will~EXIST(V) 505 וַיְּהִׁי wai'hi MORNING 1861 בֹקֶר
vo'qer DAY 898 יוֹם yom the~SIXTH 2613 הַשִׁשִׁי ha'shi'shi2





    1:1  in~SUMMIT(0)

1:2  and~the~LAND(1)

1:3  and~he~will~SAY(V)(2)

1:4  and~he~will~SEE(V)(3)

1:5  and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V)(4)

1:5  and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V)(5)

1:7  and~he~will~DO(V)(6)

1:7  and~he~will~DO(V)(7)

1:8  and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V)(8)

1:9  and~he~will~SAY(V)(9)

1:10  and~he~will~CALL.OUT(V)(10)

Bad Data
Bad Data
1:11  and~he~will~SAY(V)(13)

1:11  and~he~will~SAY(V)(14)

1:12  and~she~will~make~GO.OUT(V)(15)

1:13  and~he~will~EXIST(V)(16)

1:14  and~he~will~SAY(V)(17)

1:14  and~he~will~SAY(V)(18)

1:15  and~they(cp)~did~EXIST(V)(19)

1:16  and~he~will~DO(V)(20)

1:17  and~he~will~GIVE(V)(21)

1:18  and~to~>~REGULATE(V)(22)

Bad Data
Bad Data
1:19  and~he~will~EXIST(V)(25)

1:20  and~he~will~SAY(V)(26)

1:20  and~he~will~SAY(V)(27)

1:21  and~he~will~FATTEN(V)(28)

1:21  and~he~will~FATTEN(V)(29)

1:22  and~he~will~much~KNEEL(V)(30)

1:24  and~he~will~SAY(V)(31)

1:24  and~he~will~SAY(V)(32)

1:25  and~he~will~DO(V)(33)

1:26  and~he~will~SAY(V)(34)

1:27  and~he~will~FATTEN(V)(35)

Bad Data
Bad Data
1:28  and~he~will~much~KNEEL(V)(38)

1:28  and~he~will~much~KNEEL(V)(39)

1:29  and~he~will~SAY(V)(40)

1:30  and~to~ALL(41)

1:30  and~to~ALL(42)

1:31  and~he~will~SEE(V)(43)

Tags: andthetoinloindexwilllist
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-13 09:34:23


>>> l = range(10)
>>> l
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> for i in l:
...   print(i)
...   x = l.pop()



lines_list = None
with open('<your_file>') as handler:  # this will take care of closing the file for you
    lines_list =


if ( (word_list[0].isdigit() < 8) and (':' not in word_list[0]) ) and concatenateNext_string_TF( index, lines_list):


if word_list[0].isdigit() < 8 and ':' not in word_list[0] and concatenateNext_string_TF(index, lines_list):

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