
2024-06-26 03:12:06 发布

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import pandas as pd
from StringIO import StringIO

replacement_dict = {
    "substring1": "substring1",
    "substring2": "substring2",
    "a short substring": "substring3",

exampledata = StringIO("""id;Long String
1;This is a long substring1 of text that has lots of words
2;This is substring2 and also contains more text than needed
3;This is a long substring1 of text that has lots of words
4;This is substring2 and also contains more text than needed
5;This is substring2 and also contains more text than needed
6;This is substring2 and also contains more text than needed
7;Within this string is a short substring that is unique
8;This is a long substring1 of text that has lots of words
9;Within this string is a short substring that is unique
10;Within this string is a short substring that is unique

df = pd.read_csv(exampledata, sep=";")
print df

for s in replacement_dict.keys():
    if df['Long String'].str.contains(s):
        df['Long String'] = replacement_dict[df['Long String'].str.contains(s)]


   id  Long String
0   1  substring1
1   2  substring2
2   3  substring1
3   4  substring2
4   5  substring2
5   6  substring2
6   7  substring3
7   8  substring1
8   9  substring3
9  10  substring3


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 27, in <module>
    if df['Long String'].str.contains(s):
  File "h:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 731, in __nonzero__.format(self.__class__.__name__))
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().


Tags: of字符串textdfstringthatissubstring
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-26 03:12:06


replacement_dict = {
    ".*substring1.*": "substring1",
    ".*substring2.*": "substring2",
    ".*a short substring.*": "substring3",



df['Long String'] = df['Long String'].replace(replacement_dict, regex=True)



   id                                        Long String
0   1  This is a long substring1 of text that has lot...
1   2  This is substring2 and also contains more text...
2   3  This is a long substring1 of text that has lot...
3   4  This is substring2 and also contains more text...
4   5  This is substring2 and also contains more text...
5   6  This is substring2 and also contains more text...
6   7    Within this string is substring3 that is unique
7   8  This is a long substring1 of text that has lot...
8   9    Within this string is substring3 that is unique
9  10    Within this string is substring3 that is unique

请注意,您真正看到的唯一更改是使用“short substring”值,因为您实际上只是用自身替换“substring1”和“substring2”。你知道吗


   id Long String
0   1  substring1
1   2  substring2
2   3  substring1
3   4  substring2
4   5  substring2
5   6  substring2
6   7  substring3
7   8  substring1
8   9  substring3
9  10  substring3

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