
2024-09-26 17:46:25 发布

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我正在寻找帮助查找Python函数,这些函数允许我获取字符串列表,例如["I like ", " and ", " because "]和单个目标字符串,例如"I like lettuce and carrots and onions because I do",并查找目标字符串中的字符可以按顺序分组的所有方式。你知道吗


solution(["I like ", " and ", " because ", "do"],
         "I like lettuce and carrots and onions because I do")


[("I like ", "lettuce", " and ", "carrots and onions", " because ", "I ", "do"), 
 ("I like ", "lettuce and carrots", " and ", "onions", " because ", "I ", "do")]



solution(["take ", " to the park"], "take Alice to the park")


[("take ", "Alice", " to the park")]


solution(["I like ", " because ", ""],
         "I don't like cheese because I'm lactose-intolerant")



因为没有办法。注意,第一个参数中的"I like "不能拆分。目标字符串中没有字符串"I like ",因此无法匹配。你知道吗


solution(["I", "want", "or", "done"],
         "I want my sandwich or I want my pizza or salad done")


[("I", " ", "want", " my sandwich ", "or", " I want my pizza or salad ", "done"),
 ("I", " ", "want", " my sandwich or I want my pizza ", "or", " salad ", "done"),
 ("I", " want my sandwich or I", "want", " my pizza ", "or", " salad ", "done")]`

请再次注意,每个字符串["I", "want", "or", "done"]都按顺序包含在每个元组中,其余的字符以任何可能的方式围绕这些字符串重新排序。返回的是所有可能的重新排序的列表。你知道吗




Tags: orand函数字符串目标列表mydo

我有一个解决方案,它需要一个相当多的重构,但它似乎工作, 我希望这有帮助,这是一个相当有趣的问题。你知道吗

import itertools
import re
from collections import deque

def solution(search_words, search_string):
    found = deque()
    for search_word in search_words:
        found.append([(m.start()) for m in re.compile(search_word).finditer(search_string)])
    if len(found) != len(search_words) or len(found) == 0:
        return []  # no search words or not all words found
    word_positions_lst = [list(i) for i in itertools.product(*found) if sorted(list(i)) == list(i)]

    ret_lst = []
    for word_positions in word_positions_lst:
        split_positions = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            (split_position, split_position + len(search_word))
            for split_position, search_word in zip(word_positions, search_words)))
        last_seach_word = search_string[split_positions[-1]:]
        ret_strs = [search_string[a:b] for a, b in zip(split_positions, split_positions[1:])]
        if last_seach_word:
        if len(search_string) == sum(map(len,ret_strs)):
    return ret_lst

print(solution(["I like ", " and ", " because ", "do"],
               "I like lettuce and carrots and onions because I do"))
print([("I like ", "lettuce", " and ", "carrots and onions", " because ", "I ", "do"),
       ("I like ", "lettuce and carrots", " and ", "onions", " because ", "I ", "do")])

print(solution(["take ", " to the park"], "take Alice to the park"))
print([("take ", "Alice", " to the park")])

print(solution(["I like ", " because "],
               "I don't like cheese because I'm lactose-intolerant"))


[('I like ', 'lettuce', ' and ', 'carrots and onions', ' because ', 'I ', 'do'), ('I like ', 'lettuce and carrots', ' and ', 'onions', ' because ', 'I ', 'do')]
[('I like ', 'lettuce', ' and ', 'carrots and onions', ' because ', 'I ', 'do'), ('I like ', 'lettuce and carrots', ' and ', 'onions', ' because ', 'I ', 'do')]

[('take ', 'Alice', ' to the park')]
[('take ', 'Alice', ' to the park')]


[('I', ' ', 'want', ' my sandwich ', 'or', ' I want my pizza or salad ', 'done'), ('I', ' ', 'want', ' my sandwich or I want my pizza ', 'or', ' salad ', 'done'), ('I', ' want my sandwich or I ', 'want', ' my pizza ', 'or', ' salad ', 'done')]
[('I', ' ', 'want', ' my sandwich ', 'or', ' I want my pizza or salad ', 'done'), ('I', ' ', 'want', ' my sandwich or I want my pizza ', 'or', ' salad ', 'done'), ('I', ' want my sandwich or I', 'want', ' my pizza ', 'or', ' salad ', 'done')]





def solution(fixed_strings, target_string):
        def get_middle_matches(s, fixed_strings):
            Gets the fixed strings matches without the first and last first strings
            Example the parameter tuple ("ABCBD", ["B"]) should give back [["A", "B", "CBD"], ["ABC", "B", "D"]]

            # in the form {(s, s_index, fixed_string_index, fixed_character_index): return value of recursive_get_middle_matches called with those parameters}
            lookup = {}

            def memoized_get_middle_matches(*args):
                '''memoize the recursive function'''
                    ans = lookup[args]
                    return ans
                except KeyError:
                    ans = recursive_get_middle_matches(*args)
                    lookup[args] = ans
                    return ans

            def recursive_get_middle_matches(s, s_index, fixed_string_index, fixed_character_index):
                Takes a string, an index into that string, a index into the list of middle fixed strings,
                ...and an index into that middle fixed string.

                Returns what fixed_string_matches(s, fixed_strings[fixed_string_index:-1]) would return, and deals with edge cases.

                # base case: there's no fixed strings left to match
                    fixed_string = fixed_strings[fixed_string_index]
                except IndexError:
                    # we just finished matching the last fixed string, but there's some stuff left over
                    return [[s]]

                # recursive case: we've finished matching a fixed string
                # note that this needs to go before the end of the string base case
                # ...because otherwise the matched fixed string may not be added to the answer,
                # ...since getting to the end of the main string will short-circuit it
                    fixed_character = fixed_string[fixed_character_index]
                except IndexError:
                    # finished matching this fixed string
                    upper_slice = s_index
                    lower_slice = upper_slice - len(fixed_string)
                    prefix = s[:lower_slice]
                    match = s[lower_slice:upper_slice]
                    postfix = s[upper_slice:]
                    match_ans = [prefix, match]
                    recursive_answers = memoized_get_middle_matches(postfix, 0, fixed_string_index + 1, 0)
                    if fixed_string == '' and s_index < len(s):
                        recursive_skip_answers = memoized_get_middle_matches(s, s_index + 1, fixed_string_index, fixed_character_index)
                        return [match_ans + recursive_ans for recursive_ans in recursive_answers] + recursive_skip_answers
                        return [match_ans + recursive_ans for recursive_ans in recursive_answers]

                # base cases: we've reached the end of the string
                    character = s[s_index]
                except IndexError:
                    # nothing left to match in the main string
                    if fixed_string_index >= len(fixed_strings):
                        # it completed matching everything it needed to
                        return [[""]]
                        # it didn't finish matching everything it needed to
                        return []

                # recursive cases: either we match this character or we don't
                character_matched = (character == fixed_character)
                starts_fixed_string = (fixed_character_index == 0)
                if starts_fixed_string:
                    # if this character starts the fixed string, we're still searching for this same fixed string
                    recursive_skip_answers = memoized_get_middle_matches(s, s_index + 1, fixed_string_index, fixed_character_index)

                if character_matched:
                    recursive_take_answers = memoized_get_middle_matches(s, s_index + 1, fixed_string_index, fixed_character_index + 1)
                    if starts_fixed_string:
                        # we have the option to either take the character as a match, or skip over it
                        return recursive_skip_answers + recursive_take_answers
                        # this character is past the start of the fixed string; we can no longer match this fixed string
                        # since we can't match one of the fixed strings, this is a failed path if we don't match this character
                        # thus, we're forced to take this character as a match
                        return recursive_take_answers
                    if starts_fixed_string:
                        # we can't match it here, so we skip over and continue
                        return recursive_skip_answers
                        # this character is past the start of the fixed string; we can no longer match this fixed string
                        # since we can't match one of the fixed strings, there are no possible matches here
                        return []

            ## main code
            return memoized_get_middle_matches(s, 0, 0, 0)

        ## main code

        # doing the one fixed string case first because it happens a lot
        if len(fixed_strings) == 1:
            # if it matches, then there's just that one match, otherwise, there's none.
            if target_string == fixed_strings[0]:
                return [target_string]
                return []

        if len(fixed_strings) == 0:
            # there's no matches because there are no fixed strings
            return []

        # separate the first and last from the middle
        first_fixed_string = fixed_strings[0]
        middle_fixed_strings = fixed_strings[1:-1]
        last_fixed_string = fixed_strings[-1]
        prefix = target_string[:len(first_fixed_string)]
        middle = target_string[len(first_fixed_string):len(target_string)-len(last_fixed_string)]
        postfix = target_string[len(target_string)-len(last_fixed_string):]

        # make sure the first and last fixed strings match the target string
        # if not, the target string does not match
        if not (prefix == first_fixed_string and postfix == last_fixed_string):
            return []
            # now, do the check for the middle fixed strings
            return [[prefix] + middle + [postfix] for middle in get_middle_matches(middle, middle_fixed_strings)]

    print(solution(["I like ", " and ", " because ", "do"],
                   "I like lettuce and carrots and onions because I do"))
    print([("I like ", "lettuce", " and ", "carrots and onions", " because ", "I ", "do"),
           ("I like ", "lettuce and carrots", " and ", "onions", " because ", "I ", "do")])

    print(solution(["take ", " to the park"], "take Alice to the park"))
    print([("take ", "Alice", " to the park")])

    # Courtesy of @ktzr
    print(solution(["I like ", " because "],
                   "I don't like cheese because I'm lactose-intolerant"))

    print(solution(["I", "want", "or", "done"],
             "I want my sandwich or I want my pizza or salad done"))
    print([("I", " ", "want", " my sandwich ", "or", " I want my pizza or salad ", "done"),
     ("I", " ", "want", " my sandwich or I want my pizza ", "or", " salad ", "done"),
     ("I", " want my sandwich or I", "want", " my pizza ", "or", " salad ", "done")])





首先,它使用一个overlapped参数,该参数只能通过regex模块使用,并且必须安装(很可能是通过pip install regex)。然后,用import regex as re将其包含在顶部。这使得在字符串中搜索重叠的匹配项变得很容易。你知道吗


import itertools
def itertools_pairwise(iterable):
    '''s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ...'''
    a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)



def solution(fixed_strings, target_string):
    # doing the one fixed string case first because it happens a lot
    if len(fixed_strings) == 1:
        # if it matches, then there's just that one match, otherwise, there's none.
        if target_string == fixed_strings[0]:
            return [target_string]
            return []

    # make sure the first and last fixed strings match the target string
    # if not, the target string does not match
    if not (target_string.startswith(fixed_strings[0]) and target_string.endswith(fixed_strings[-1])):
        return []

    # get the fixed strings in the middle that it now needs to search for in the middle of the target string
    middle_fixed_strings = fixed_strings[1:-1]

    # where in the target string it found the middle fixed strings.
    # middle_fixed_strings_placements is in the form: [[where it found the 1st middle fixed string], ...]
    # [where it found the xth middle fixed string] is in the form: [(start index, end index), ...]
    middle_fixed_strings_placements = [[match.span() for match in re.finditer(string, target_string, overlapped=True)]
                                       for string in middle_fixed_strings]

    # if any of the fixed strings couldn't be found in the target string, there's no matches
    if [] in middle_fixed_strings_placements:
        return []

    # get all of the possible ways each of the middle strings could be found once within the target string
    all_placements = itertools.product(*middle_fixed_strings_placements)

    # remove the cases where the middle strings overlap or are out of order
    good_placements = [placement for placement in all_placements
                       if not (True in [placement[index][1] > placement[index + 1][0]
                                        for index in range(len(placement) - 1)])]

    # create a list of all the possible final matches
    matches = []
    target_string_len = len(target_string) # cache for later
    # save the start and end spans which are predetermined by their length and placement
    start_span = (0, len(fixed_strings[0]))
    end_span = (target_string_len - len(fixed_strings[-1]), target_string_len)
    for placement in good_placements:
        placement = list(placement)
        # add in the spans for the first and last fixed strings
        # this makes it so each placement is in the form: [1st fixed string span, ..., last fixed string span]
        placement.insert(0, start_span)

        # flatten the placements list to get the places where we need to cut up the string.
        # we want to cut the string at the span values to get out the fixed strings
        cuts = [cut for span in placement for cut in span]

        match = []
        # go through the cuts and make them to create the list
        for start_cut, end_cut in itertools_pairwise(cuts):

    return matches

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