
2024-10-01 00:27:07 发布

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(1, 2)
(3, 4)
(5, 6)




with open("agentListFile.txt") as f:
        agentList = [agentList.rstrip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]

Tags: 文件txt列表foraswithopen结构


def re_sol1():
    ''' re.findall on whole file w/ capture groups '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        numpairs = [[int(numstr)
            for numstr in numpair]
            for numpair in re.findall(r'(\d+), (\d+)', f.read())]
        return numpairs



当我在Python 2.7.6 Linux默认版本上运行以下代码时,似乎可以看出re_sol1是最快的:

with open('agentListFile.txt', 'w') as f:
    for tup in zip(range(1, 1001), range(1, 1001)):

funcs = []
def test(func):
    return func

import re, ast

def re_sol1():
    ''' re.findall on whole file w/ capture groups '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        numpairs = [[int(numstr)
            for numstr in numpair]
            for numpair in re.findall(r'(\d+), (\d+)', f.read())]
        return numpairs

def re_sol2():
    ''' naive re.findall on whole file '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        nums = [int(numstr) for numstr in re.findall(r'\d+', f.read())]
        numpairs = [nums[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(nums), 2)]
        return numpairs

def re_sol3():
    ''' re.findall on whole file w/ str.split '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        numpairs = [[int(numstr) 
            for numstr in numpair.split(', ')] 
            for numpair in re.findall(r'\d+, \d+', f.read())]
        return numpairs

def re_sol4():
    ''' re.finditer on whole file '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        match_iterator = re.finditer(r'(\d+), (\d+)', f.read())
        numpairs = [[int(ns) for ns in m.groups()] for m in match_iterator]
        return numpairs

def re_sol5():
    ''' re.match line by line '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        numpairs = [[int(ns) 
            for ns in re.match(r'\((\d+), (\d+)', line).groups()] 
            for line in f]
        return numpairs

def re_sol6():
    ''' re.search line by line '''
    with open('agentListFile.txt') as f:
        numpairs = [[int(ns) 
            for ns in re.search(r'(\d+), (\d+)', line).groups()] 
            for line in f]
        return numpairs

def sss_sol1():
    ''' strip, slice, split line by line '''
    with open("agentListFile.txt") as f:
        agentList = [map(int, line.strip()[1:-1].split(', ')) for line in f]
        return agentList

def ast_sol1():
    ''' ast.literal_eval line by line '''
    with open("agentListFile.txt") as f:
        agent_list = [list(ast.literal_eval(line)) for line in f]
        return agent_list

### Begin tests ###

def all_equal(iterable):
        iterator = iter(iterable)
        first = next(iterator)
        return all(first == rest for rest in iterator)
    except StopIteration:
        return True

if all_equal(func() for func in funcs):
    from timeit import Timer

    def print_timeit(func, cnfg={'number': 1000}):
        print('{}{}'.format(Timer(func).timeit(**cnfg), func.__doc__))

    for func in funcs:
    print('At least one of the solutions is incorrect.')


1.50156712532 re.findall on whole file w/ capture groups 
1.53699707985 naive re.findall on whole file 
1.71362090111 re.findall on whole file w/ str.split 
1.97333717346 re.finditer on whole file 
3.36241197586 re.match line by line 
3.59856200218 re.search line by line 
1.71777415276 strip, slice, split line by line 
12.8218641281 ast.literal_eval line by line 

您可以使用ast.literal_eval安全地计算元组并将这些元组转换为list comp内的列表,例如:

import ast
with open("agentListFile.txt") as f:
    agent_list = [list(ast.literal_eval(line)) for line in f]

有关更多信息,请阅读doc of ^{}this thread。你知道吗

下面的代码依赖于这样的假设,即您的行遵循相同的格式(number1, number2)

def strip_slice_split_solution():
    with open("agentListFile.txt") as f:
        agentList = [map(int, line.strip()[1:-1].split(', ')) for line in f]
        return agentList    


我将Shashank's solution(从函数中删除了import)和Jon's solution以及我的放入一个文件,并决定做一些测试。我生成了一些带有5000-1000行的文件来进行测试。你知道吗


In [3]: %timeit re_solution()
100 loops, best of 3: 2.3 ms per loop

In [4]: %timeit strip_slice_split_solution()
100 loops, best of 3: 2.28 ms per loop

In [5]: %timeit ast_solution()
100 loops, best of 3: 14.1 ms per loop


In [6]: ast_solution() == re_solution() == strip_slice_split_solution()
Out[6]: True

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