
2024-06-28 11:17:15 发布

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Subclassing. Make a subclass of MyList from exercise 2 called MyListSub, which extends MyList to print a message to stdout before each overloaded operation is called and counts the number of calls. MyListSub should inherit basic method behavior from MyList. Adding a sequence to a MyListSub should print a message, increment the counter for + calls, and perform the superclass’s method. Also, introduce a new method that prints the operation counters to stdout, and experiment with your class interactively. Do your counters count calls per instance, or per class (for all instances of the class)? How would you program the other option)? (Hint: it depends on which object the count members are assigned to: class members are shared by instances, but self members are per-instance data.)



我可以看到这里有一个很好的干涸的用途,它可以一举两得。但我只是不知道如何实现它。 我知道我应该做的是实现某种方法,截取操作,增加计数器并打印消息。但我不知道该怎么做。我的基本想法是

def count_ops(self, op_count):
    # intercept calls to operator overloading methods
    op_count += 1
    print 'Number of calls to operator {0}: {1}'.format(oper, op_count)



Tags: andofthetocountmethodareclass


如果子类中唯一需要的重载是计数,那么可以查看^{}。需要注意的是,它有点复杂,在您将它用于生产代码之前,您需要对它有一个透彻的理解。其他选项包括class decoratormetaclass来包装您关心的每个方法。你知道吗


def count(cls):
    for attr in (attr for attr in dir(cls) if not attr.startswith('_')):
        method = getattr(cls,attr)
        if callable(method):
    return cls

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