如何使用unicode版本的Windows API:mciSendString(),Python

2024-06-26 01:34:32 发布

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Error 275 for command: open "C:\sauté.wav" alias playsound_0.4091468603477375 Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct.


def winCommand(*command):
    buf = c_buffer(255)
    command = ' '.join(command).encode(getfilesystemencoding())
    errorCode = int(windll.winmm.mciSendStringA(command, buf, 254, 0))
    if errorCode:
        errorBuffer = c_buffer(255)
        windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringA(errorCode, errorBuffer, 254)
        exceptionMessage = ('\n    Error ' + str(errorCode) + ' for command:'
                            '\n        ' + command.decode() +
                            '\n    ' + errorBuffer.value.decode())
        raise PlaysoundException(exceptionMessage)
    return buf.value



Microsoft mciSendString函数: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dd757161(v=vs.85)

Tags: thehttpsforbuffererror字符commandbuf


You need to add wait flag. Having this flag on, allows you indeed to wait until the called function completed. The reason you can actually play your file. In the case you removed it, it will initiate the play and immediately after close it.


from ctypes import c_buffer, windll
from sys import getfilesystemencoding

if __name__ == '__main__':
    buf = c_buffer(255)
    filesystemencoding = getfilesystemencoding()
    filename = r'.\file_example.mp3'

    # ASCII
    command = 'open ' + filename + ' alias test2'
    waitcommand = 'play test2 wait'
    byte_string_command = command.encode(filesystemencoding)
    waiting = waitcommand.encode(filesystemencoding)
    errorCode = int(windll.winmm.mciSendStringA(byte_string_command, buf, 254, 0))
    # errorCode should be 275: Cannot find the file
    errorBuffer = c_buffer(255)
    windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringA(errorCode, errorBuffer, 254)
    print("{}: {}".format(errorCode, errorBuffer.value.decode()))

    errorCode = int(windll.winmm.mciSendStringA(waiting, buf, 254, 0))
    # errorCode should be 275: Cannot find the file
    errorBuffer = c_buffer(255)
    windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringA(errorCode, errorBuffer, 254)
    print("{}: {}".format(errorCode, errorBuffer.value.decode()))



如果代码有效,它将返回0: The specified command was carried out。在


  1. sys.getfilesystemencoding()

Return the name of the encoding used to convert between Unicode filenames and bytes filenames. For best compatibility, str should be used for filenames in all cases, although representing filenames as bytes is also supported. Functions accepting or returning filenames should support either str or bytes and internally convert to the system’s preferred representation.

This encoding is always ASCII-compatible.

[os.fsencode()][2] and [os.fsdecode()][3] should be used to ensure that the
correct encoding and errors mode are used.

In the UTF-8 mode, the encoding is utf-8 on any platform.

On macOS, the encoding is 'utf-8'.

On Unix, the encoding is the locale encoding.

On Windows, the encoding may be 'utf-8' or 'mbcs', depending on user

Changed in version 3.6: Windows is no longer guaranteed to return
'mbcs'. See PEP 529 and [_enablelegacywindowsfsencoding()][4] for more

Changed in version 3.7: Return ‘utf-8’ in the UTF-8 mode.
  1. Using an Alias

When you open a device, you can use the "alias" flag to specify a device identifier for the device. This flag lets you assign a short device identifier for compound devices with lengthy filenames, and it lets you open multiple instances of the same file or device.

  1. Avoid using wait

If you want play no wait, you need to handle the MCI_NOTIFY, set the callback window handle, and handle the MM_MCINOTIFY when the play has finish.

hwndCallback: Handle to a callback window if the "notify" flag was specified in the command string.

使用wide函数mciSendStringW时,不应对字符串进行编码。因此,您的行应该简单地读command = ' '.join(command)。至少在我安装了python3.6的Windows10机器上是这样。在


from ctypes import c_buffer, windll
from sys import getfilesystemencoding

if __name__ == '__main__':
    buf = c_buffer(255)
    filesystemencoding = getfilesystemencoding()
    filename = r'.\sauté.wav'
    # create the file if it doesn't exist
    file = open(filename, 'w+')

    # ASCII
    command = 'open ' + filename
    byte_string_command = command.encode(filesystemencoding)

    errorCode = int(windll.winmm.mciSendStringA(byte_string_command, buf, 254, 0))
    # errorCode should be 275: Cannot find the file
    errorBuffer = c_buffer(255)
    windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringA(errorCode, errorBuffer, 254)
    print("{}: {}".format(errorCode, errorBuffer.value.decode()))

    # Unicode
    errorCode = int(windll.winmm.mciSendStringW(command, buf, 254, 0))
    # errorCode should be 296: The specified file cannot be played
    errorBuffer = c_buffer(255)
    windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringA(errorCode, errorBuffer, 254)
    print("{}: {}".format(errorCode, errorBuffer.value.decode()))

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