HTML posted form data gets written as jibberish into MySQL databas HTML发送的表单数据被写入MySQL数据库中的无意义字符。

2024-09-24 00:31:37 发布

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当我试图用希腊字母在文本字段中输入数据时,我的wsgi脚本将数据作为jibberish保存在MySQL数据库中,我不知道为什么。 以下是要通过表单方法过账时的相关代码:

pdata = pdata + '''
<form methods="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="%s">
            <td> <center>   <input type="text"  name="task"     size=50>    </td>
            <td> <center>   <input type="text"  name="price"    size=5>     </td>
            <td> <center>   <input type="text"  name="lastvisit">           </td>
        <td>    <input type="image" src="/static/img/submit.gif" name="update" value="Ενημέρωση!">  </td>
''' % app.get_url( '/update/<name>', name=name )

pdata = pdata + "<meta http-equiv='REFRESH' content='200;%s'>" % app.get_url( '/' )
return pdata




<form methods="POST" enctype="utf-8" action="%s">

Tags: 数据textnameform数据库表单inputtype




lang=locale Set the current language locale. This is the same as having set the LANG environment variable. You will need to set this on many Linux systems where Apache when started up from system init scripts uses the default C locale, meaning that the default system encoding is ASCII. Unless you need a special language locale, set this to en_US.UTF-8. Whether the lang or locale option works best can depend on the system being used. Set both if you aren’t sure which is appropriate.

locale=locale Set the current language locale. This is the same as having set the LC_ALL environment variable. You will need to set this on many Linux systems where Apache when started up from system init scripts uses the default C locale, meaning that the default system encoding is ASCII. Unless you need a special language locale, set this to en_US.UTF-8. Whether the lang or locale option works best can depend on the system being used. Set both if you aren’t sure which is appropriate.

The html form data to be posted is "αυτή είναι μια δοκιμή" and the end result inside database is "αÏÏή είναι μια δοκιμή"

然而,“αΓτήείναιμιαδοκιμή”显然是无效的UTF-8,因为 第38位的字节(ή)表示它是一个两字节的UTF-8字符,但后面只有1个字节(reference)。在


<form accept-charset='UTF-8'>



Yes MySQL Tables and Columns are configured to be utf8_general_ci.





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