
2024-06-25 22:51:14 发布

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def highest_gdp(logdp:List[CountryGDP])-> str: 
    returns the name of the country with the highest GDP
    #Return "" #body of the stub
    #template from List[CountryGDP] 

    highest = logdp[0] #type: CountryGDP
    for gdp in logdp:
        if gdp.cgdp >= highest.cgdp:
            highest = gdp
        return highest.name

def average_unemployment(louemp:List[Unemployment])-> float:
    returns the average unemployment rate of the given list
    #return 0 #body of the stub
    #template from List[Unemployment]

    average = louemp[0] #type: Unemployment
    for uemp in louemp:
        if uemp.rate > 0: 
            average = uemp
        return sum(uemp.rate)/float(len(louemp))


Tags: ofthereturnrate国家listaveragegdp
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-25 22:51:14


def highest_gdp(logdp:List[CountryGDP])-> str: 
    returns the name of the country with the highest GDP
    #Return "" #body of the stub
    #template from List[CountryGDP] 

    highest = logdp[0] #type: CountryGDP
    for gdp in logdp:
        if gdp.cgdp >= highest.cgdp:
            highest = gdp
    return highest.name

def average_unemployment(louemp:List[Unemployment])-> float:
    returns the average unemployment rate of the given list
    #return 0 #body of the stub
    #template from List[Unemployment]

    average = louemp[0] #type: Unemployment
    for uemp in louemp:
        if uemp.rate > 0: 
            average = uemp
    return sum(uemp.rate)/float(len(louemp))

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