
2024-06-13 12:58:18 发布

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Pickaxes = {
 'adamant pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'bronze pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'dragon pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'inferno adze': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'iron pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'mithril pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'rune pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'steel pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5}}


请记住,用户将选择他想要的斧头通过一个原始的输入,检查上面的字典,例如如果用户想要一个符文镐,他们会输入,它会检查是否在字典中,我不能在斧头的名字内加上价格。 铁镐-100个硬币

Tags: 用户字典价格硬币名字商店speedcost


>>> Pickaxes = {
 'adamant pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'bronze pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'dragon pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'inferno adze': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'iron pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'mithril pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'rune pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5},
 'steel pickaxe': {'cost': 100, 'speed': 5}}

>>> for axe, values in Pickaxes.items():
    print '{} - costs: {}, speed: {}'.format(axe, values['cost'], values['speed'])

bronze pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
mithril pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
adamant pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
steel pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
iron pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
rune pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
dragon pickaxe - costs: 100, speed: 5
inferno adze - costs: 100, speed: 5




  • 使用格式字符串可以获得一个好的描述:

    '{name}: {value} coins'.format(name='adamant pickaxe', value=100)
  • 迭代Pickaxes.iteritems公司()获取所有元素:

    for name, properties in Pickaxes.iteritems():
        # do something with name and properties['cost']
  • ^{}函数将帮助您以特定的顺序遍历拾取轴。

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