
2024-05-18 02:45:08 发布

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我在下面包含了一个显示类似行为的模型程序,尽管它需要更大的矩阵来显示性能差异。看看profiler和source code似乎Expokit大部分时间都在调用zgemm(),所以我唯一的想法是BLAS安装有问题。否则我不明白为什么Fortran的性能会比Matlab或Python差。如果您能深入了解如何改进Fortran矩阵指数代码的性能,我将不胜感激。在

Results for 10000 matrices (4x4, 8x8, 30x30, 60x60, 80x80):

Matlab (s): 0.91, 0.97, 2.36, 5.45, 8.69

Python (s): 2.59, 2.89, 9.70, 35.4, 72.7

Fortran, Expokit (s): 0.037, 0.12, 4.14, 30.6, 74.9

Fortran, Expokit, OpenMP with 8 cores (s): 0.0039, 0.016, 0.52, 3.87, 9.53


    subroutine expokit_test()

    use omp_lib
    use iso_fortran_env
    implicit none

    integer, parameter :: wp = selected_real_kind(15, 307), size=80
    complex(wp), parameter :: i = (0, 1._wp)
    integer :: count, a, b
    real(wp) :: wtime
    complex(wp) :: mat_exp(size, size),  mat(size, size), val

    val = 1E-8_wp
    mat = 0._wp

    do a = 1, size
        do b = 1, size
            mat(a, b) = a * b
        end do
    end do

    call omp_set_num_threads(8)
    wtime = omp_get_wtime()
    !$omp parallel do default(private) &
    !$omp& shared(mat, val)
    do count = 1, int(1E4)
        mat_exp = expm_complex(-i * mat * val)
    end do
    !$omp end parallel do
    wtime = omp_get_wtime () - wtime
    write(6, *) 'expm_complex', sngl(wtime)

end subroutine expokit_test

function expm_complex(A) result(B)
        ! Calculate matrix exponential of complex matrix A using Expokit

        use iso_fortran_env
        implicit none

        integer, parameter :: wp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
        complex(wp), dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: A
        complex(wp), dimension(size(A, 1), size(A, 2)) :: B

        integer, parameter :: ideg = 2 ! Pade approximation, 6 is reccomended but 2 appears to be stable
        complex(wp) :: t = 1._wp
        complex(wp), dimension(4 * size(A, 1) * size(A, 2) + ideg + 1) :: wsp
        integer, dimension(size(A, 1)) :: iwsp
        integer :: iexp, ns, iflag, n
        n = size(A, 1)

        call ZGPADM(ideg, n, t, A, n, wsp, size(wsp, 1), iwsp, iexp, ns, iflag)
        B = reshape(wsp(iexp : iexp + n * n - 1), [n, n])

    end function expm_complex




size = 80
mat = np.ones((size, size))

for a in range(0, size):
    for b in range(0, size):
        mat[a, b] = ((a+1) * (b+1))

mat = mat + 1E-9

start = time.time()
for loop in range(0, int(1E4)):
    test = la.expm(-1j * mat * 1E-8)

end = time.time() - start
print('time taken', end)

Tags: sizetime矩阵integerdoendwpfortran