
2024-10-16 22:24:26 发布

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在下面的示例中,下面的regex(“.*?”)用于先删除所有对话。 下一步是删除所有剩余的以小写字母开头的句子。 只应保留以大写字母开头的句子。在


exclaimed Wade. Indeed, below them were villages, of crude huts made of timber and stone and mud. Rubble work walls, for they needed little shelter here, and the people were but savages.

asked Arcot, his voice a bit unsteady with suppressed excitement.

replied Morey without turning from his station at the window. Below them now, less than half a mile down on the patchwork of the Nile valley, men were standing, staring up, collecting in little groups, gesticulating toward the strange thing that had materialized in the air above them.


exclaimed Wade.
asked Arcot, his voice a bit unsteady with suppressed excitement.
replied Morey without turning from his station at the window.



Tags: andofthe示例regex句子askedvoice


text = re.sub(r'(^|(?<=[.!?])\s+)[a-z].*?[.!?](?=\s|$)', r'\1', text)



use strict;
use warnings;

use Lingua::EN::Sentence qw( get_sentences );

my $text = <<END;

exclaimed Wade. Indeed, below them were villages, of crude huts made of timber and stone and mud. Rubble work walls, for they needed little shelter here, and the people were but savages.

asked Arcot, his voice a bit unsteady with suppressed excitement.

replied Morey without turning from his station at the window. Below them now, less than half a mile down on the patchwork of the Nile valley, men were standing, staring up, collecting in little groups, gesticulating toward the strange thing that had materialized in the air above them.

my $sentences = matching_sentences( qr/^[^a-z]/, $text );

print map "$_\n", @$sentences;

sub matching_sentences {
    my $re   = shift;
    my $text = shift;

    my $s = get_sentences( $text );

    @$s = grep /$re/, @$s;

    return $s;




$s = "exclaimed Wade. Indeed, ...";

do {
  $prev = $s;
  $s =~ s/(^\s*|[.!?]\s+)[a-z][^.!?]*[.!?]\s*/$1/gs;
} until ($s eq $prev);


请注意,完美地完成这项工作几乎是AI-complete。 请看这个问题,看看你永远不会正确回答的句子: LaTeX sometimes puts too much or too little space after periods。在


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