
2024-06-25 23:59:37 发布

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我希望fill_between的alpha值可以根据概率分布进行设置,从而得到一个绘图like in this question about filling under a curve,,但取而代之的是,根据高斯分布,在上面和下面都用alpha进行着色。在


# example x data, y data, and uncertainties
def exampleFunc(x):
    return np.sin((x/1.5-3.0)**2)+1.0

xdata = np.linspace(0,10,100)
ydata = exampleFunc(xdata)

# define this data to be gaussian distributed with these standard 
# deviations
uncertainties = np.sqrt(ydata)

fig, ax = pl.subplots()

# plot the data centers on a line
ax.plot(xdata, ydata, 'b') # blue to stand out from shading

numsigma = 5 # how many standard deviations to go out
numsteps = 100 # how many steps to take in shading

# go to shade the uncertainties between, out to 4 sigma
for i in range(1,numsteps+1):
    top = ydata + uncertainties/numsteps*i*numsigma
    bottom = ydata - uncertainties/numsteps*i*numsigma
    ax.fill_between(xdata, bottom, top, color='r', 

plot with shaded representation of uncertainty

Tags: to数据inalphadatanpbetweenax