
2024-10-16 20:46:16 发布

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我知道我可以为(csr-sprase 2d matrix)dot(稠密向量)编写自己的实现,但我正试图避免这种情况。在



from __future__ import division
import  numpy           as np
import  cython
cimport numpy           as np
cimport cpython.array
import  scipy.sparse    as sps

def simulate(long[:] capacity_vec,
             int random_array_size,
             long n,
             int seed,
             int[:] A_col,
             int[:] A_row,
             long[:] A_data):

    #### Initialise ####################################################################################################

    # Initialise states
    cdef int[:] damage  = np.random.randint(0, int(np.min(capacity_vec)/2), n).astype(np.int32)
    cdef int[:] dr_list = np.random.choice(n, 1000).astype(np.int32)
    cdef int[:] states  = np.zeros(n).astype(np.int32)
    cdef int[:] states_ = np.zeros(n).astype(np.int32)
    cdef int[:] change  = np.zeros(n).astype(np.int32)

    # Initialise counters
    cdef int k, violations, violations_, counter= 0, dr_id=0, increment_index = 0

    # Build Sparse Adjecency Matrix
    cA_sps = sps.csr_matrix( (A_data, (A_row, A_col) ), shape=(n,n) ).astype(np.int32)

    while counter < 1000:

        #### Place damage until a cascade starts #######################################################################
        while damage[increment_index] <= capacity_vec[increment_index]:# Check for violations

            increment_index         = dr_list[dr_id]                   # Where do we place the marble?

            damage[increment_index] = damage[increment_index] + 1      # place the marble

            dr_id                   = dr_id + 1                        # another random number used

            if dr_id == random_array_size - 1:                         # Check if we run out of random numbers

                dr_list = np.random.choice(n, random_array_size).astype(np.int32) # if so, pick new increment_index

                dr_id   = 0                                            # and reset the counter

        #### Initialise cascade ########################################################################################
        violations, violations_  = 1, 0
        states[increment_index]  = 1

        #### Propagate cascade #########################################################################################
        while violations > violations_:                                # check for fixed point, propagate cascade
            for k in range(n): change[k] = states[k] - states_[k]
            ### THIS LINE IS THE PROBLEM. It takes up half of all simulation time.
            damage      = damage + cA_sps.dot(change).astype(np.int32) # spread violations  

            states_     = states.copy()                                # store previous states

            # Determine previous and current violations
            violations, violations_ = 0 , violations

            for k in range(n):

                states_[k]  = 0

                if damage[k] > capacity_vec[k]:

                    violations = violations + 1

                    states[k]  =  1                                    # deactivate any node that has a violation

        for k in range(n): damage[k] = 0
        counter  = counter + 1                                         # progress cascade id after storing

Tags: idindexnpcounterrandomcythonintdamage
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-16 20:46:16




python setup.py build
python setup.py install

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