搅拌机2.7 MacOS cons

2024-06-28 20:21:59 发布

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我在mac(OS 10.9.2)上使用Blender2.7,主机无法正常打开。如果我打开blender.app/Contents/MacOS/blender,我得到了一个新的终端窗口,但它充满了易读和难以辨认的字符,如“œ˙ÌÄamp;{H_196;PAGEZERO_UuTextÃÃÃÔ。Blender也不会记录打印语句或错误。在



编辑:我也是终端新手,我尝试使用/Contents/MacOS目录中的“open blender”:p。如果您在父目录中输入“./blender”,它就可以正常工作了。在

如果有人能解释一下发生了什么,或者键入“./filename”和“open filename”之间的区别,那就太棒了。在

Tags: 目录app终端osmaccontentsmacosopen




所以区别在于open blender就像说你想编辑文件,但是{}实际上是从命令行运行一个应用程序。在


tell application "Terminal"
 do script "cd /Applications/blender/blender.app/Contents/MacOS && ./blender"
end tell

如果你只想在运行脚本时得到python输出,你可以尝试the script here-它允许你在blender的python控制台中运行一个脚本来捕捉输出。在




利用我自己的“恼火”经历和this guy (sambler)的想法的帮助,我制作了一个简单的应用程序,目的是用终端打开搅拌机。在




  1. 导航到blender.app用finder。在

enter image description here

  1. 右击搅拌机并选择“显示包装内容”。在

enter image description here

  1. Download应用程序并解压缩。在

enter image description here

  1. 将应用程序拖到blender的“内容”文件夹中。在

enter image description here

  1. 将应用程序拖到停靠点并首次打开。在

enter image description here

  1. (可选)在房间里跳舞,歌唱你有这样一个应用程序是多么幸运。在


set myPath to ((path to current application) as string)  find the path to blenderOpen.app
set myPath to ((characters 1 through ((length of myPath) - 1) of myPath) as string)  rip off the last ":"
set charDelete to (last character of myPath)   rip off the "blenderOpen.app"
repeat until charDelete = ":"   rip off the "blenderOpen.app"
    set myPath to ((characters 1 through ((length of myPath) - 1) of myPath) as string)   rip off the "blenderOpen.app"
    set charDelete to (last character of myPath)   rip off the "blenderOpen.app"
end repeat
set myPath to myPath & "MacOS"  find the blender runtime by appending this path

set myPath to quoted form of the POSIX path of myPath   convert path so terminal understands
why this little if statement down below?
This if statement is here because if a user
opens terminal and runs some command,
then afterwards runs our script,
we want to use a new window so as not
to interfere with the user.
However, if WE open terminal,
than we want to use the window 
that terminal just made for us.

if testterminal() then
    tell application "Terminal" to do script "cd " & myPath & " && ./blender"   tell terminal to open new window, and open blender, Voila!!!
    tell application "Terminal" to tell front window to do script "cd " & myPath & " && ./blender"   tell terminal to open blender, in the current window, Voila!!!
end if

return myPath
on testterminal()
    tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains "Terminal"
end testterminal

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