使用Django South重置迁移历史的建议方法是什么?

2024-05-17 03:42:30 发布

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我已经使用South(0.7)和Django(1.1.2)积累了相当多的迁移,这在我的单元测试中开始消耗相当多的时间。我想重置基线并开始一组新的迁移。我已经查看了South documentation,做了通常的Google/Stackoverflow搜索(例如“django south(reset或delete或remove)迁移历史”),但没有发现任何明显的东西。

我考虑过的一种方法是通过“删除”South或手动“清除”历史记录来“重新开始”(例如,清除db表,从migrations director中删除迁移文件),然后重新运行

./manage.py schemamigration southtut --initial


Tags: djangodocumentationgoogle时间单元测试deletestackoverflowremove

EDIT - I'm putting a comment below at the top of this as it's important to read it before the > accepted answer that follows @andybak

@Dominique: Your advice regarding manage.py reset south is dangerous and may destroy the database if there are any third party apps using south in the project, as pointed out by @thnee below. Since your answer has so many upvotes I'd really appreciate it if you could edit it and add at least a warning about this, or (even better) change it to reflect @hobs approach (which is just as convenient, but doesn't affect other apps) - thanks! – chrisv Mar 26 '13 at 9:09


首先,an answer by the South author

As long as you take care to do it on all deployments simultaneously, there shouldn't be any problem with this. Personally, I'd do:

    rm -r appname/migrations/ 
    ./manage.py reset south 
    ./manage.py convert_to_south appname 

(Notice that the “reset south” part clears migration records for ALL apps, so make sure you either run the other two lines for all apps or delete selectively).

The convert_to_south call at the end makes a new migration and fake-applies it (since your database already has the corresponding tables). There's no need to drop all the app tables during the process.


  1. 确保两边都有相同的数据库模式
  2. 删除两侧的每个迁移文件夹
  3. run./manage.py reset south(正如post所说)on both sides=清除south表*
  4. 在两侧运行./manage.py将_转换为_south(伪造0001迁移)
  5. 然后我可以重新开始进行迁移并将迁移文件夹推送到我的服务器上



rm <app-dir>/migrations/*
python manage.py schemamigration <app-name> --initial
python manage.py migrate <app-name> 0001 --fake  --delete-ghost-migrations

不要忘记手动还原其他应用程序上的任何dependencies,方法是将depends_on = (("<other_app_name>", "0001_initial"),("<yet_another_app_name>", "0001_initial"))之类的行添加到<app-dir>/migrations/0001_initial.py文件中,作为迁移类中位于class Migration(SchemaMigration):之下的第一个属性。

然后,您可以在其他环境中,按照this SO answer进行./manage.py migrate <app-name> --fake --delete-ghost-migrations。当然,如果您伪造了delete或migrate zero,则需要使用类似this的迁移手动删除任何剩余的db表。

一个更核心的选项是在实时部署服务器上./manage.py migrate --fake --delete-ghost-migrations,然后是一个[my]sqldump。然后在您需要迁移的、完全填充的数据库的环境中将其转储到[我的]sql中。南方亵渎,我知道,但为我工作。

多亏了多米尼克瓜迪奥拉和霍布斯的回答,这帮我解决了一个难题。 不过,解决方案有几个问题,以下是我的看法。

使用manage.py reset south不是一个好主意如果您有任何使用South的第三方应用,例如django-cms(基本上所有应用都使用South)。

reset south将删除所有已安装应用的所有迁移历史记录。





sql> delete from south_migrationhistory where app_name = 'my_app';


$ rm -rf my_app/migrations/


$ ./manage.py schemamigration --initial my_app



$ ./manage.py migrate --fake my_app

第3步和第4步实际上只是manage.py convert_to_south my_app的一个较长的变体,但我更喜欢这种额外的控制,在修改生产数据库这样微妙的情况下。

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