
2024-05-17 08:46:38 发布

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def weightedChoice(choices):
    """Like random.choice, but each element can have a different chance of
    being selected.

    choices can be any iterable containing iterables with two items each.
    Technically, they can have more than two items, the rest will just be
    ignored.  The first item is the thing being chosen, the second item is
    its weight.  The weights can be any numeric values, what matters is the
    relative differences between them.
    space = {}
    current = 0
    for choice, weight in choices:
        if weight > 0:
            space[current] = choice
            current += weight
    rand = random.uniform(0, current)
    for key in sorted(space.keys() + [current]):
        if rand < key:
            return choice
        choice = space[key]
    return None


Tags: thekeyishaveanyspacerandombe
def weighted_choice(choices):
   total = sum(w for c, w in choices)
   r = random.uniform(0, total)
   upto = 0
   for c, w in choices:
      if upto + w >= r:
         return c
      upto += w
   assert False, "Shouldn't get here"


from numpy.random import choice
draw = choice(list_of_candidates, number_of_items_to_pick,


自Python 3.6以来,有一个来自^{}模块的方法^{}

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In [1]: import random

In [2]: random.choices(
...:     population=[['a','b'], ['b','a'], ['c','b']],
...:     weights=[0.2, 0.2, 0.6],
...:     k=10
...: )

[['c', 'b'],
 ['c', 'b'],
 ['b', 'a'],
 ['c', 'b'],
 ['c', 'b'],
 ['b', 'a'],
 ['c', 'b'],
 ['b', 'a'],
 ['c', 'b'],
 ['c', 'b']]


Return a k sized list of elements chosen from the population with replacement.

如果需要在不替换的情况下采样,那么作为@ronan-paixão's brilliant answer状态,可以使用^{},其replace参数控制这种行为。

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