
2024-10-03 09:11:21 发布

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Income  Population  Number  Category
54        77           1       A
23        88           1       A
44        87           0       B
55        88           0       B
66        89           1       B
73        90           0       A
12        89           1       C
34        9            0       C
54        77           1       A
23        88           1       A
44        87           0       B
55        88           0       B
66        89           1       B
73        90           0       A
12        89           1       C
34        9            0       C

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Tags: 数据number数字malepopulationcategory办法income


import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Income': [54,23,44,55,66,],

### Univariate analysis
sns.distplot(df.Income) # numeric
sns.boxplot(df.Income) # numeric
sns.countplot(df.Category) # categorical

## Bivariate analysis
sns.jointplot('Income', 'Population', data = df, kind='scatter')
sns.lmplot(df.Income, df.Population, data=df, hue='Number', fit_reg=False)
sns.countplot(Category, hue = 'Number', data=df)

## Multivariate analysis
sns.pairplot(df.select_dtypes(include=[np.int, np.float]])


import pandas as pd
# a dictionary of the data
data = {'Income': [54, 23, 44, 55, 66, 73, 12], 'Number': [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]}
# put the data into a pandas DataFrame
d = pd.DataFrame(data=data)

# get a list of Income for the Males
incomem = d['Income'][d['Number'] == 1].tolist() # you don't really need the tolist() call

# get a list of Income for the Females
incomef = d['Income'][d['Number'] == 0].tolist()


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