
2024-06-28 19:46:39 发布

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proc sql;
    create table temp_mf3 as
    select a.*, b.mret from header_mf as a,
    ret_mf as b where
    a.crsp_fundno=b.crsp_fundno and
    ((year(a.caldt)=year(b.caldt) and month(a.caldt)>month(b.caldt) ) or
    (year(a.caldt)=(year(b.caldt)+1) and month(a.caldt)<=month(b.caldt) ));



Tags: and数据基金as收益yearheadermf
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-28 19:46:39

抱歉,如果这个回复来得太晚了。我不认为你想要有条件的合并(至少在我正确理解情况的情况下)。我认为只要在['fundno','caldt']上合并header_mf和ret mf,然后使用pandas中的shift操作符创建过去返回的列,就可以得到想要的结果。在


import pandas as pd
header = pd.read_csv('header.csv')
print header

    fundno       caldt  foo
0        1  1986-06-30  100
1        1  1986-07-31  110
2        1  1986-08-29  120
3        1  1986-09-30  115
4        1  1986-10-31  110
5        1  1986-11-28  125
6        1  1986-12-31  137
7        2  1986-06-30  130
8        2  1986-07-31  204
9        2  1986-08-29  192
10       2  1986-09-30  180
11       2  1986-10-31  200
12       2  1986-11-28  205
13       2  1986-12-31  205

ret_mf = pd.read_csv('ret_mf.csv')
print ret_mf

    fundno       caldt  mret
0        1  1986-06-30  0.05
1        1  1986-07-31  0.01
2        1  1986-08-29 -0.01
3        1  1986-09-30  0.10
4        1  1986-10-31  0.04
5        1  1986-11-28 -0.02
6        1  1986-12-31 -0.06
7        2  1986-06-30 -0.04
8        2  1986-07-31  0.03
9        2  1986-08-29  0.07
10       2  1986-09-30  0.00
11       2  1986-10-31 -0.05
12       2  1986-11-28  0.09
13       2  1986-12-31  0.04




for lag in range(1,4):
    good = mf['fundno'] == mf['fundno'].shift(lag)
    mf['ret' + str(lag)] = mf['mret'].shift(lag).where(good)
print mf

    fundno       caldt  foo  mret  ret1  ret2  ret3
0        1  1986-06-30  100  0.05   NaN   NaN   NaN
1        1  1986-07-31  110  0.01  0.05   NaN   NaN
2        1  1986-08-29  120 -0.01  0.01  0.05   NaN
3        1  1986-09-30  115  0.10 -0.01  0.01  0.05
4        1  1986-10-31  110  0.04  0.10 -0.01  0.01
5        1  1986-11-28  125 -0.02  0.04  0.10 -0.01
6        1  1986-12-31  137 -0.06 -0.02  0.04  0.10
7        2  1986-06-30  130 -0.04   NaN   NaN   NaN
8        2  1986-07-31  204  0.03 -0.04   NaN   NaN
9        2  1986-08-29  192  0.07  0.03 -0.04   NaN
10       2  1986-09-30  180  0.00  0.07  0.03 -0.04
11       2  1986-10-31  200 -0.05  0.00  0.07  0.03
12       2  1986-11-28  205  0.09 -0.05  0.00  0.07
13       2  1986-12-31  205  0.04  0.09 -0.05  0.00


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