
2024-06-16 23:30:58 发布

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#from pylab import * #Pylab will not install with pip so I just loaded numpy itself
from numpy import *
import numpy
from pymc import *
from pymc.Matplot import plot as mplot

numquestions = 300 # number of test items being simulated
numpeople = 10 # number of participants
numthetas = 1 # number of latent proficiency variables

generating = 0
theta_initial = zeros((numthetas, numpeople))
correctness = np.random.randint(2, size= numquestions * numpeople) == 1 #Produces Error
#correctness = np.random.randint(2, size= numquestions * numpeople) == -1 #all False code runs fine
#correctness = np.random.randint(2, size= numquestions * numpeople) != -1 #all True code throws error message

correctness.shape = (numquestions, numpeople)

# theta (proficiency params) are sampled from a normal distribution
theta = Normal("theta", mu=0, tau=1, value=theta_initial, observed= generating)

# question-parameters (IRT params) are sampled from normal distributions (though others were tried)
a = Normal("a", mu=1, tau=1, value=[[0.0] * numthetas] * numquestions)
# a = Exponential("a", beta=0.01, value=[[0.0] * numthetas] * numquestions)
b = Normal("b", mu=0, tau=1, value=[0.0] * numquestions)

# take vectors theta/a/b, return a vector of probabilities of each person getting each question correct
def sigmoid(theta=theta, a=a, b=b): 
    bs = repeat(reshape(b, (len(b), 1)), numpeople, 1)
    return np.zeros_like(1.0 / (1.0 + exp(bs - dot(a, theta)))) #np.zeros_like fixes error

# take the probabilities coming out of the sigmoid, and flip weighted coins
correct = Bernoulli('correct', p=sigmoid, value=correctness, observed=not generating)

# create a pymc simulation object, including all the above variables
m = MCMC([a,b,theta,sigmoid,correct])

# run an interactive MCMC sampling session
m.isample(iter=20000, burn=15000)

mydict = m.stats()
print(mydict['theta']['mean']) #Get ability parameters for each student




correct = Bernoulli('correct', p=sigmoid, value=correctness, observed=not generating)


Tags: of答案from模型importvaluenp学生
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-16 23:30:58


return np.exp(1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(bs - dot(a, theta))))



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