
2024-06-25 23:24:48 发布

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def BankBalance():
    InputB = 1000
    return InputB
    print("Your initial balance is $1000")

def Interest():
    InputI = 0.05
    return InputI
    print("The rate of interest is 5%")

def CountNumber():
    InputN = float(input("Please enter the number of times per year you would like your interest to be compounded: "))
    return InputN

def Time():
    InputT = float(input("Please enter the number of years you need to compund interest for:"))
    return InputT

def Compount_Interest(InputB, InputI, InputT, InputN):
    Cinterest = (InputB*(1+(InputI % InputN))**(InputN * InputT))
    print("The compound interest for %.InputT years is %.Cinterest" %Cinterest)

B = BankBalance()
I = Interest()
N = CountNumber()
T = Time()
Compount_Interest(B, I, N, T)

Tags: ofthereturnisdef余额printinterest

您正在尝试将变量用作函数。 试试这个:

Cinterest = (InputB * (1+(InputI % InputN))**(InputN * InputT))


Cinterest = (InputB * (1+(InputI % InputN))**(InputN * InputT))
# Here       -^


def main():
# Getting input for Balance
    balance = float(input("Balance: $ "))
# Getting input for Interest Rate
    intRate = float(input("Interest Rate (%) : "))
# Getting input for Number of Years
    years = int(input("Years: "))
    newBalance = calcBalance(balance, intRate, years)

    print ("New baance:  $%.2f"  %(newBalance))
def calcBalance(bal, int, yrs):
    newBal = bal
    for i in range(yrs):
        newBal = newBal + newBal * int/100
    return newBal

# Program run

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