
2024-05-01 08:00:50 发布

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class VecFormula(object):

class FreqFormula(VecFormula):

    def __init__(self, x_func, y_func, z_func):
        self.x_func = x_func
        self.y_func = y_func
        self.z_func = z_func

    def x(self, x, y, z, omega, params):
        return self.x_func(x, y, z, omega, params)

    def y(self, x, y, z, omega, params):
        return self.y_func(x, y, z, omega, params)

    def z(self, x, y, z, omega, params):
        return self.z_func(x, y, z, omega, params)

    def component(self, comp, x, y, z, omega, params):
        if comp == 'x':
            return self.x(x, y, z, omega, params)
        elif comp == 'y':
            return self.y(x, y, z, omega, params)
        elif comp == 'z':
            return self.z(x, y, z, omega, params)
            raise ValueError(f'invalid component: {comp}')

class TimeFormula(FreqFormula):
    "same as FreqFormula, but the omega parameter is renamed to t"
    def x(self, x, y, z, t, params):
        return super(TimeFormula, self).x(x, y, z, t, params)

    def y(self, x, y, z, t, params):
        return super(TimeFormula, self).y(x, y, z, t, params)

    def z(self, x, y, z, t, params):
        return super(TimeFormula, self).z(x, y, z, t, params)

    def component(self, comp, x, y, z, t, params):
        return super(TimeFormula, self).component(x, y, z, t, params)



它不是Python最清晰的部分,官方参考文档中没有记录动态函数创建,但可以在SO上找到:Python: dynamically create function at runtime


# have the new class derive from the common base
class TimeFormula(VecFormula):
    "same as FreqFormula, but the omega parameter is renamed to t"

# loop over methods of origina class
for i,j in inspect.getmembers(FreqFormula, inspect.isfunction):
    # copy the __init__ special method
    if i == '__init__':
        setattr(TimeFormula, i, j)
    elif i.startswith('__'): continue  # ignore all other special attributes
    if not j.__qualname__.endswith('.'.join((FreqFormula.__name__, i))):
        continue   # ignore methods defined in parent classes
    # clone the method from the original class
    spec = inspect.getfullargspec(j)
    newspec = inspect.FullArgSpec(['t' if i == 'omega' else i
                                   for i in spec.args], *spec[1:])
    f = types.FunctionType(j.__code__, j.__globals__, i, newspec, j.__closure__)
    f.__qualname__ = '.'.join((TimeFormula.__qualname__, i))
    # adjust the signature
    sig = inspect.signature(j)
    if ('omega' in sig.parameters):
        f.__signature__ = sig.replace(
            parameters = [p.replace(name='t') if name == 'omega' else p
                          for name, p in sig.parameters.items()])
    # and finally insert the new method in the class
    setattr(TimeFormula, i, f)


请查看class inheritance python documentationhere

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