
2024-10-03 09:16:23 发布

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from threading import Thread

def func3():
    Import main_odroid
    global alarmthresh5
    alarmthresh5 = 1.45 * stddev2

if floats[1] > alarmthresh5:
   wpi.digitalWrite(1, 1)
Thread(target = func3).start()


我使用了搜索功能,尝试了不同的答案,但没有解决问题。 谢谢,我对你的答案很感兴趣

编辑:我认为变量alarmthresh5的作用域是全局的,因为我在func3中键入了“global alarmthresh5”


import subprocess                                           
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE         
import os                                             
import odroid_wiringpi as wpi
from collections import deque
import time
import datetime
from threading import Thread
from math import sqrt

sysdamping = 10
freqdamping = 14 
totalbins = 2000

def average(p): return sum(p) / float(len(p))
def variance(p): return list(map(lambda x: (x - average(p))**2, p)) 
def std_dev(p): return sqrt(average(variance(p)))

wpi.pinMode(1, 1) 
wpi.pinMode(5, 1)
wpi.pinMode(27, 1)
wpi.pinMode(31, 1) 
wpi.pinMode(23, 1) 
wpi.pinMode(11, 1) 
wpi.digitalWrite(23, 0) 
wpi.digitalWrite(11, 0)
wpi.pinMode(2, 1) 
wpi.pinMode(7, 1) 
wpi.digitalWrite(2, 0) 
wpi.digitalWrite(7, 0) 

wpi.pinMode(9, 1) 
wpi.digitalWrite(9, 0)  

wpi.pullUpDnControl(30, 2)                 

os.system("killall -9 soapy_power -q")

def func2():

def func3():
    import main_odroid
    global alarmthresh1
    global alarmthresh2
    global alarmthresh3
    global alarmthresh4
    global alarmthresh5
    global Lijst
    alarmthresh1 = (average(rolling[i]) + 1.45 * stddev2)       
    alarmthresh2 = alarmthresh1 + 2
    alarmthresh3 = alarmthresh2 + 2
    alarmthresh4 = alarmthresh3 + 2
    alarmthresh5 = alarmthresh4 + 2
    Lijst = [381843000.0, 382242000.0, 382245000.0, 382248000.0, 382254000.0, 382257000.0, 382305000.0, 382308000.0, 382320000.0, 382323000.0, 382326000.0, 382389000.0, 382392000.0, 382557000.0, 382560000.0, 382671000.0, 383157000.0, 383454000.0, 383457000.0, 383469000.0, 383472000.0, 383997000.0, 384000000.0, 384003000.0, 384006000.0]

def func4():
    import main_odroid
    global stddev2
    stddev2 = std_dev(sweep)

def func1():                                       
    cmd = ["/home/odroid/.local/bin/soapy_power", "-f", "433M", "-r", "6M", "--force-rate", "-q", "-c", "-b", "2000", "-F", "rtl_power_fftw"]          
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)                               

    rolling = []    
    i = 0
    rolling_avg = deque([])

    sweep = deque([], maxlen=1500)      
    stddev = 12  
    totalbins = 2000

    # Let's see what's going on with rtl_power_fftw   
    for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''):
        #Ignore garbage output
        if not (b'#' in line or not line.strip()):
            floats = list(map(float, line.split()))   

            # Create 2D array         
            if len(rolling) < totalbins:     
            # Let's start filtering...

            if len(rolling[i]) >= freqdamping:
                print("ref 5")
                input_state3 = wpi.digitalRead(9)    

                if floats[1] > alarmthresh5 and 380820000.0 < floats[0] < 384570000.0 and floats[0] not in Lijst:   # Led 5
                    wpi.digitalWrite(1, 1)
                    if input_state3 == 0:                     
                        wpi.digitalWrite(9, 1) # Buzzer proxy
                        wpi.digitalWrite(31, 1) # Buzzer ON   
                        print(round(floats[0]), round(floats[1]), alarmthresh5, "ref2")  
                        Thread(target = func2).start()
                if floats[1] > alarmthresh1 and floats[0] in [380310000.0, 381444000.0, 381579000.0, 381780000.0, 381783000.0, 382110000.0, 382836000.0, 382881000.0, 382884000.0, 382887000.0, 382890000.0, 382893000.0, 383037000.0, 383085000.0, 383340000.0, 383460000.0, 384258000.0, 384261000.0, 384264000.0]:
                    if input_state3 == 0:
                        wpi.digitalWrite(9, 1) # Buzzer proxy
                        wpi.digitalWrite(31, 1) # Buzzer ON
                        print(round(floats[0]), round(floats[1]), alarmthresh1, "ref1")
                        Thread(target = func2).start()

                if floats[1] > alarmthresh4 and 380820000.0 < floats[0] < 384570000.0 and floats[0] not in Lijst:     # Led 4                                                            
                    wpi.digitalWrite(7, 1)
                if floats[1] > alarmthresh3 and 380820000.0 < floats[0] < 384570000.0 and floats[0] not in Lijst:     # Led 3                       
                    wpi.digitalWrite(23, 1)
                if floats[1] > alarmthresh2 and 380820000.0 < floats[0] < 384570000.0 and floats[0] not in Lijst:     # Led 2                      
                    wpi.digitalWrite(5, 1)
                if floats[1] > alarmthresh1 and 380820000.0 < floats[0] < 384570000.0 and floats[0] not in Lijst:     # Led 1                         
                    input_state = wpi.digitalRead(27)    
                    if input_state == 0:                      
                        wpi.digitalWrite(27, 1)
                        Thread(target = func2).start()

            # Increment or reset indexer (i)
            if i < totalbins - i: i = i + 1
                i = 0
                Thread(target = func4).start()  # Set stddev2
                Thread(target = func3).start()  # Set alarmthresh1 - alarmthresh5
                print("ref 6")

Thread(target = func1).start()

Ref 6在Ref 5之前打印,因此func3在调用alarmthresh5之前启动

Tags: andinimportifdefglobalthreadstart