
2024-05-08 00:29:37 发布

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Using a for loop and an if statement, go through vacc_counties and print out a message for those counties that have a higher than 30% vaccination rate.

Add another loop that prints out a message for every county, but prints different messages if the rate is above or below 30.

Benton County is doing ok, with a rate of 41.4%
Fulton County is doing less ok, with a rate of 22.1%


vacc_counties = [('Pulaski', 42.7), ('Benton', 41.4), ('Fulton', 22.1), ('Miller', 9.6),
                 ('Mississippi', 29.4), ('Scotty County', 28.1)]

for tuple in vacc_counties:
    for element in tuple:
        if [1] < 30:
            print(f"{vacc_counties[0]}is doing ok, with a rate of" [1]"%")
        else [1] n > 30:
            print(f"{vacc_counties[0]}is doing ok, with a rate of" [1]"%")

Tags: ofloop列表forifrateiswith


  • 不要对变量名使用保留字,例如使用tpl而不是tuple
  • 删除for element in tuple:循环
  • 要访问元组的第二个元素,请使用tpl[1]而不是[1]
  • elif代替else


vacc_counties = [
    ("Pulaski", 42.7),
    ("Benton", 41.4),
    ("Fulton", 22.1),
    ("Miller", 9.6),
    ("Mississippi", 29.4),
    ("Scotty County", 28.1),

for tpl in vacc_counties:
    if tpl[1] < 30:
        print(f"{tpl[0]} is doing less ok, with a rate of {tpl[1]}%")
    elif tpl[1] >= 30:
        print(f"{tpl[0]} is doing ok, with a rate of {tpl[1]}%")


Pulaski is doing ok, with a rate of 42.7%
Benton is doing ok, with a rate of 41.4%
Fulton is doing less ok, with a rate of 22.1%
Miller is doing less ok, with a rate of 9.6%
Mississippi is doing less ok, with a rate of 29.4%
Scotty County is doing less ok, with a rate of 28.1%


vacc_counties = [('Pulaski', 42.7), ('Benton', 41.4), ('Fulton', 22.1), ('Miller', 9.6),
                 ('Mississippi', 29.4), ('Scotty County', 28.1)]

for county, rate in vacc_counties:
    if int(rate) > 30:
        print(f"{county} has a higher that 30% vaccination rate")

for county, rate in vacc_counties:
    if int(rate) > 30:
        print(f"{county} is doing ok, with a rate of {rate}%")
        print(f"{county} is doing less ok, with a rate of {rate}%")

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