
2024-09-26 18:14:21 发布

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from datetime import datetime

class VaccList:
    class Appointment:
        def __init__(self, name, age, city, date):
            assert type(name) is str, 'name variable must be a string'
            assert type(age) is int, 'age variable must be a integer'
            assert type(city) is str, 'city variable must be a string'
            assert type(date) is datetime, 'date variable must be a datetime object'
            assert name != None, 'name variable cannot be empty'
            assert age >= 18 and age <= 100, 'age must be between 18 and 100'
            #   ADD 6 asserts.  4 for the types and name cannot be empty, 
            #   and age must be between 18 and 100

            self.name = name
            self.age = age
            self.city = city
            self.date = date
            self.confirmed = False
            self.next = None

        def __str__(self):
            s = "Appointment for " + self.name + " on " + str(self.date) + " age:" + str(self.age) + "  city:" + self.city
            if self.confirmed:
                s += " (confirmed)"
                s += " (unconfirmed)"
            return s

    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
        self.tail = None
    def print(self):       #YOU WRITE THIS (EASY)
        Print all the appointments, one per line.  Print a blank line after the last one.
        If the list is empty, print a line saying the Appointment List is empty.
        runner = self.head
        while runner != None:
            runner = runner.next

    def insertByDate(self, newAppt):          #### YOU WRITE (HARD)
        ''' Given a pointer to an Appointment object, put it into the list so that the list remains sorted by date.
           Obviously the linked list may be empty, which is easy.  But inserting the newAppt in sorted order
           may mean putting it at the front if the newAppt's date is less than the first.  Or at the end, or in
           the middle.
        assert type(newAppt) is VaccList.Appointment, 'insertByDate requires a pointer to an appointment object'
        newnode = newAppt

        if self.head is None:
            self.head = newAppt
        elif newAppt.date < self.head.date:
            newAppt.next = self.head
            self.head = newAppt
            current = self.head
            while current.next != None and current.date < newAppt.date:
                current = current.next
            newAppt.next = current.next
            current.next = newAppt


active =VaccList()

appt = VaccList.Appointment("Henry", 72, "Buffalo", datetime(2021,5,1,12,0,0))
appt = VaccList.Appointment("John", date=datetime(2021,3,10,12,0,0), age=75, city="Buffalo")
appt = VaccList.Appointment(date = datetime(2021, 3, 5, 8, 0, 0), name="Mary", city="Buffalo", age=65)
appt = VaccList.Appointment(date = datetime(2021, 4, 28, 13, 30, 0), name="Alvin", city="New York City", age=39)
appt = VaccList.Appointment(date = datetime(2021, 4, 21, 14, 0, 0), name="Sheila", city="New York City", age=50)
appt = VaccList.Appointment(date = datetime(2021, 3, 12, 18, 0, 0), name="Melvin", city="New York City", age=80)



Appointment for Mary on 2021-03-05 08:00:00 age:65  city:Buffalo (unconfirmed)
Appointment for John on 2021-03-10 12:00:00 age:75  city:Buffalo (unconfirmed)
Appointment for Henry on 2021-05-01 12:00:00 age:72  city:Buffalo (unconfirmed)
Appointment for Melvin on 2021-03-12 18:00:00 age:80  city:New York City (unconfirmed)
Appointment for Sheila on 2021-04-21 14:00:00 age:50  city:New York City (unconfirmed)
Appointment for Alvin on 2021-04-28 13:30:00 age:39  city:New York City (unconfirmed)

Tags: thenameselfcityforagedatetimedate
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-26 18:14:21



 while current.next != None and current.date < newAppt.date:


 while current.next != None and current.next.date < newAppt.date:
 #                                     ^^^^^

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