未找到Robot FrameworkLocator易趣网站

2024-09-26 23:26:45 发布

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*** Settings ***
Documentation  Basic Search Functionality
Library  SeleniumLibrary
*** variables ***

*** Test Cases ***
Verify basic search functionality
    [documentation]  This test case verifies the basic search functionality
    [tags]  Functional

    Open Browser  http://www.ebay.com  chrome
    Maximize Browser Window
    Input Text  //*[@id="gh-ac"]  mobile
    Press Keys  //*[@id="gh-btn"]  [Return]
    Page Should Contain  results for mobile
    Sleep  10s
    Wait Until Element Is Visible  xpath=//* 
    Click Element  xpath=//*[@id="nid-pZ5- 
    Close Browser

元素在图片中。 The element I am trying click it can be seen in the picture

Tags: thebrowserid元素searchbasicbuttonelement
