
2024-06-26 13:37:43 发布

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import numpy as np

np.seterr(invalid = "ignore")

m = 1

x = np.array([1, 9, 15])
y = np.array([16, 22, 26])

def GetLJForce(r, epsilon, sigma):
    return 48 * epsilon * np.power(sigma, 12) / np.power(r, 13) - 24 * epsilon * np.power(sigma, 6) / np.power(r, 7)

def GetAcc(xPositions, yPositions):
    global xAcc
    global yAcc
    xAcc = np.zeros((xPositions.size, xPositions.size), dtype=object)
    yAcc = np.zeros((xPositions.size, xPositions.size), dtype=object)

    for i in range(0, xPositions.shape[0]-1):
        for j in range(i+1, xPositions.shape[0]-1):
            global r_x
            r_x = xPositions[j] - xPositions[i]
            r_y = yPositions[j] - yPositions[i]

            global rmag
            rmag = np.sqrt(r_x*r_x + r_y*r_y)

            if(rmag[0]==0 or rmag[1]==0 or rmag[2]==0):
                rmag += 1
                force_scalar = GetLJForce(rmag, 0.84, 2.56)
                force_x = force_scalar * r_x / rmag
                force_y = force_scalar * r_y / rmag

                xAcc[i,j] = force_x / m
                xAcc[j,i] = - force_x / m
                yAcc[i,j] = force_y / m
                yAcc[j,i] = - force_y / m
                force_scalar = GetLJForce(rmag, 0.84, 2.56)

                force_x = force_scalar * r_x / rmag
                force_y = force_scalar * r_y / rmag

                xAcc[i,j] = force_x / m
                xAcc[j,i] = - force_x / m

                yAcc[i,j] = force_y / m
                yAcc[j,i] = - force_y / m

    return np.sum(xAcc), np.sum(yAcc)

def UpdatexPos(x, v_x, a_x, dt):
    return x + v_x*dt + 0.5*a_x*dt*dt

def UpdateyPos(y, v_y, a_y, dt):
    return y + v_y*dt + 0.5*a_y*dt*dt

def UpdatexVel(v_x, a_x, a1_x, dt):
    return v_x + 0.5*(a_x + a1_x)*dt

def UpdateyVel(v_y, a_y, a1_y, dt):
    return v_y + 0.5*(a_y + a1_y)*dt

def RunMD(dt, number_of_steps, x, y):
    global xPositions
    global yPositions
    xPositions = np.zeros((number_of_steps, 3))
    yPositions = np.zeros((number_of_steps, 3))

    v_x = 0
    v_y = 0

    a_x = GetAcc(xPositions, yPositions)[0]
    a_y = GetAcc(xPositions, yPositions)[1]

    for i in range(number_of_steps):
        x = UpdatexPos(x, v_x, a_x, dt)
        y = UpdateyPos(y, v_y, a_y, dt)

        a1_x = GetAcc(xPositions, yPositions)[0]
        a1_y = GetAcc(xPositions, yPositions)[1]

        v_x = UpdatexVel(v_x, a_x, a1_x, dt)
        v_y = UpdateyVel(v_y, a_y, a1_y, dt)

        a_x = np.array(a1_x)
        a_y = np.array(a1_y)

        xPositions[i, :] = x
        yPositions[i, :] = y

    return xPositions, yPositions

sim_xpos = RunMD(0.1, 10, x, y)[0]
sim_ypos = RunMD(0.1, 10, x, y)[1]


Tags: returndefa1npdtarrayglobalscalar
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-26 13:37:43

你的代码有一些细节,它没有运行的主要原因是因为这一行return np.sum(xAcc), np.sum(yAcc),你从所有粒子之间的相互作用计算了一个加速度矩阵,其中你添加了一个粒子的加速度和另一个粒子的加速度的倒数,因为所有粒子的质量都一样,那么加速度也一样,那么你把矩阵的所有元素求和,所有的项都抵消掉了,而不是返回每个粒子的加速度,你返回所有粒子的加速度之和,假设它们都有相同的质量,那么它们的加速度之和就是0,即使它不是0,也可能是错误的,因为你把它们都混合在一起,所以所有的粒子都会有相同的加速度,朝着相同的方向运动

  • 一,


if condition:


if condition:


  • 二,


  • 三,
def UpdatexVel(v_x, a_x, a1_x, dt):
    return v_x + 0.5*(a_x + a1_x)*dt

def UpdateyVel(v_y, a_y, a1_y, dt):
    return v_y + 0.5*(a_y + a1_y)*dt



def fun(a):
   return a
x = a # NameError: name 'a' is not defined


a = 1
def fun(a):
  return 2 + a
print( fun(7) ) # = 9


a = 1
def fun():
  return a
print( fun() ) # = 1


  • 四,
    return xPositions, yPositions

sim_xpos = RunMD(0.1, 10, x, y)[0]
sim_ypos = RunMD(0.1, 10, x, y)[1]


    return xPositions, yPositions

sim_xpos, sim_ypos = RunMD(0.1, 10, x, y)



import math

def cart_to_polar(x, y):
    rho = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    phi = math.atan2(y, x)
    return rho, phi

def polar_to_cart(rho, theta):
    x = rho * math.cos(theta)
    y = rho * math.sin(theta)
    return x, y

def GetLJForce(r, epsilon, sigma):
    return 48 * r * epsilon * ( ( ( sigma / r ) ** 14 ) - 0.5 * ( ( sigma / r ) ** 8 ) ) / ( sigma ** 2 )

def GetAcc(x_positions, y_positions, m):
    xAcc = [0]*len(x_positions)
    yAcc = [0]*len(x_positions)

    for i in range(0, len(x_positions)-1):
        for j in range(i+1, len(x_positions)):

            # calculations are made from the point of view of i, and then flipped for j
            delta_x = x_positions[j] - x_positions[i]
            delta_y = y_positions[j] - y_positions[i]

            radius, theta = cart_to_polar(delta_x, delta_y)
            # in case two particles are at the same place
            # this is some times called a cutoff radius
            if radius==0: radius = 1e-10

            force_mag = GetLJForce(radius, 0.84, 2.56)

            # since the polar coordinates are centered in the i particle the result is readilly usable
            # particle j interaction with particle i
            force_x, force_y = polar_to_cart(force_mag, theta)
            xAcc[i] += force_x / m[i]
            yAcc[i] += force_y / m[i]

            # flip the sing of the force to represent the 
            # particle i interaction with particle j
            force_x, force_y = polar_to_cart(-force_mag, theta)
            xAcc[j] += force_x / m[j]
            yAcc[j] += force_y / m[j]

    return xAcc, yAcc

def update_pos(x, v, a, dt):
    return x + v*dt + 0.5 * a * dt ** 2

def update_vel(v, a, dt):
    return v + a * dt

def runMD(dt, x, y, v_x, v_y, m):

    num_particles = len(x)

    a_x, a_y = GetAcc(x, y, m)

    for i in range(num_particles):
        v_x[i] = update_vel(v_x[i], a_x[i], dt)
        v_y[i] = update_vel(v_y[i], a_y[i], dt)

    for i in range(num_particles):
        x[i] = update_pos(x[i], v_x[i], a_x[i], dt)
        y[i] = update_pos(y[i], v_y[i], a_y[i], dt)

    return x, y

# number of particles in the system
num_particles = 3
# mass of the particles
m = [1] * num_particles
# starting positions
x = [1, 9, 15]
y = [16, 22, 26]
# starting velocities
v_x = [0] * num_particles
v_y = [0] * num_particles
# number of steps of the simulation
number_of_steps = 10

# the simulation
for i in range(number_of_steps):
    x, y = runMD(0.1, x, y, v_x, v_y, m)
    print(x, y)


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