
2024-06-28 18:55:59 发布

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Calculates analytical surface area and volume for ellipsoid with semimajor axes aligned with grid dimensions of specified spacing.


我的问题是: -在知道半径a, b, c和栅格间距的情况下,如何计算椭球体的体积?我正在使用具有不同间距的DICOM CT卷

def ellipsoid_stats(a, b, c):
    Calculates analytical surface area and volume for ellipsoid with
    semimajor axes aligned with grid dimensions of specified `spacing`.
    a : float
        Length of semimajor axis aligned with x-axis.
    b : float
        Length of semimajor axis aligned with y-axis.
    c : float
        Length of semimajor axis aligned with z-axis.
    vol : float
        Calculated volume of ellipsoid.
    surf : float
        Calculated surface area of ellipsoid.
    if (a <= 0) or (b <= 0) or (c <= 0):
        raise ValueError('Parameters a, b, and c must all be > 0')

    # Calculate volume & surface area
    # Surface calculation requires a >= b >= c and a != c.
    abc = [a, b, c]
    a = abc[0]
    b = abc[1]
    c = abc[2]

    # Volume
    vol = 4 / 3. * np.pi * a * b * c

    # Analytical ellipsoid surface area
    phi = np.arcsin((1. - (c ** 2 / (a ** 2.))) ** 0.5)
    d = float((a ** 2 - c ** 2) ** 0.5)
    m = (a ** 2 * (b ** 2 - c ** 2) /
         float(b ** 2 * (a ** 2 - c ** 2)))
    F = ellip_F(phi, m)
    E = ellip_E(phi, m)

    surf = 2 * np.pi * (c ** 2 +
                        b * c ** 2 / d * F +
                        b * d * E)

    return vol, surf

Tags: andofwithareafloatsurfacelengthabc
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-28 18:55:59




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