如何使用Selenium Python从HTML收集特定数据

2024-06-26 01:37:14 发布

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import time
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from keyboard import press_and_release

def weather_forecast2():
    print('Hello, I can search up the weather for you.')
    while True:
        inp = input('Where shall I search? Enter a place :').capitalize()
        print('Alright, checking the weather in ' + inp + '...')

        URL = 'https://www.yr.no/nb'

        "Search for a place"
        driver = webdriver.Edge()  # Open Microsoft Edge
        driver.get(URL)  # Goes to the HTML-page of the given URL
        element = driver.find_element_by_id("søk")  # Find the search input box
        element.send_keys(inp)  # Enter input
        press_and_release('enter')  # Click enter

        cURL = driver.current_url  # Current URL

        "Find data"
        driver.get(cURL)  # Goes to the HTML-page that appeared after clicking button
        r = requests.get(cURL)  # Get request for contents of the page
        print(r.content)  # Outputs HTML code for the page
        soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html5lib')  # Parse the data with BeautifulSoup(HTML-string, HTML-parser)


//[@id="dailyWeatherListItem0"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span1/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem0"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span[3]/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem1"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span1/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem1"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span[3]/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem2"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span1/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem2"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span[3]/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem3"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span1/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem3"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span[3]/text()



//[@id="dailyWeatherListItem{NUMBERS0-8}"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span1/text() //[@id="dailyWeatherListItem{NUMBER0-8}"]/div[2]/div1/span[2]/span[3]/text()

如何使用driver.find\u element\u by\u xpath来执行此操作?还是有更有效的功能

Tags: thetextfromimportdividurlfor
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-26 01:37:14


import requests, re
from selenium import webdriver

# url = 'https://www.yr.no/nb/v%C3%A6rvarsel/daglig-tabell/2-6058560/Canada/Ontario/London'

def get_forecast(str:url)->object:
    location_id = re.search(r'daglig-tabell/(.*?)/', url).group(1)
    headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', 'referer': url}
    forecasts = requests.get(f'https://www.yr.no/api/v0/locations/{location_id}/forecast', headers=headers).json()
    return forecasts 

def get_forecast_url():
    print('Hello, I can search up the weather for you.')

    driver = webdriver.Chrome()  # Open Microsoft Edge. (I changed to Chrome)

    while True:

        inp = input('Where shall I search? Enter a place :').capitalize()
        print('Alright, checking the weather in ' + inp + '...')

        URL = 'https://www.yr.no/nb'

        "Search for a place"

        driver.get(URL)  # Goes to the HTML-page of the given URL
        driver.find_element_by_id("page-header__search-button").click() #open search 
        # Find the search input box
        element = driver.find_element_by_id("page-header__search-input")
        element.send_keys(inp)  # Enter input
        press_and_release('enter')  # Click enter

        cURL = driver.current_url  # Current URL


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