
2024-10-03 09:08:01 发布

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base_date = datetime.date(day=12, month=11, year=2014)


  • 对于第一项罪行(更严重的罪行),他被判7年零4个月监禁
  • 对于第二项罪行,他被判处4年10个月零20天监禁


pena1_years, pena1_months, pena1_days = 7, 4, 0

pena2_years, pena2_months, pena2_days = 4, 10, 20


pena1_total = int(((pena1_years * 365) + (pena1_months * 30) + (pena1_days)) / 5 * 2)
datedifference1 = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=pena1_total)
pena1_total = relativedelta(datetime.datetime.now(), datedifference1)
print("Pena 1: " + str(pena1_total.years) + "a, " + str(pena1_total.months) + "m, " + str(pena1_total.days) + "d.")

(打印返回:Pena 1:2a、11m、4d。)

pena2_total = int(((pena2_years * 365) + (pena2_months * 30) + (pena2_days)) / 6)
datedifference2 = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=pena2_total)
pena2_total = relativedelta(datetime.datetime.now(), datedifference2)
print("Pena 2: " + str(pena2_total.years) + "a, " + str(pena2_total.months) + "m, " + str(pena2_total.days) + "d.")

(打印返回此:Pena 2:0a、9m、21d。)


  • 必须使用公历(公历)
  • 首先,将年份相加(2014+3年=2017年)
  • 然后,将月份相加(2018年7月)
  • 然后,计算天数,但他开始服务的第一天必须计算在内(2018年8月9日)。在计算天数时使用日历很重要,因为一个月的天数(也取决于年份)可能会有所不同


total = pena1_total + pena2_total
print("Total: " + str(total.years) + "a, " + str(total.months) + "m, " + str(total.days) + "d.")


data_semiaberto = data_base + relativedelta(days=+total.days, months=+total.months, years=+total.years)
print("Data para o semiaberto: " + str(data_semiaberto))

(打印返回:数据段o semiaberto:2018-08-06)



import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

data_base = datetime.date(day=12, month=11, year=2014)
pena1_years, pena1_months, pena1_days = 7, 4, 0
pena2_years, pena2_months, pena2_days = 4, 10, 20

def calculadora():
    # Fraction of the first sentence
    pena1_total = int(((pena1_years * 365) + (pena1_months * 30) + (pena1_days)) / 5 * 2)
    datedifference1 = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=pena1_total)
    pena1_total = relativedelta(datetime.datetime.now(), datedifference1)
    print("Pena 1: " + str(pena1_total.years) + "a, " + str(pena1_total.months) + "m, " + str(pena1_total.days) + "d.")

    # Fraction of the second sentence
    pena2_total = int(((pena2_years * 365) + (pena2_months * 30) + (pena2_days)) / 6)
    datedifference2 = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=pena2_total)
    pena2_total = relativedelta(datetime.datetime.now(), datedifference2)
    print("Pena 2: " + str(pena2_total.years) + "a, " + str(pena2_total.months) + "m, " + str(pena2_total.days) + "d.")

    # Fraction total
    total = pena1_total + pena2_total
    print("Total: " + str(total.years) + "a, " + str(total.months) + "m, " + str(total.days) + "d.")

    # Date of the first benefit.
    data_semiaberto = data_base + relativedelta(days=+total.days, months=+total.months, years=+total.years)
    print("Data para o semiaberto: " + str(data_semiaberto))


Tags: datadatetimedaysnowtotalprintstrrelativedelta




import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

data_base = datetime.date(day=12, month=11, year=2014)
pena1_years, pena1_months, pena1_days = 7, 4, 0
pena2_years, pena2_months, pena2_days = 4, 10, 20
total_days_spent = 0

def calculadora():
    # Calculate the end date and total number of days for the first crime
    pena1_end_date = data_base + relativedelta(years=+pena1_years, months=+pena1_months, days=+pena1_days)
    pena1_reamining_days = (pena1_end_date - data_base).days

    # Calculate the end date and total number of days for the second crime
    pena2_end_date = data_base + relativedelta(years=+pena2_years, months=+pena2_months, days=+pena2_days)
    pena2_reamining_days = (pena2_end_date - data_base).days

    while pena1_reamining_days > 0 or pena2_reamining_days > 0:
        #count the minumum number of days for both the crimes
        pena1_minimum_days = round(pena1_reamining_days / 5 * 2)
        if pena1_minimum_days == 0 and pena1_reamining_days > 0:
            pena1_minimum_days = pena1_reamining_days
        pena1_reamining_days -= pena1_minimum_days
        print(f"Minimum no of days to spent in the first crime for the {benefit_count} benefit is {pena1_minimum_days} ")

        pena2_minimum_days = round(pena2_reamining_days / 6)
        if pena2_minimum_days == 0 and pena2_reamining_days > 0:
            pena2_minimum_days = pena2_reamining_days
        pena2_reamining_days -= pena2_minimum_days
        print(f"Minimum no of days to spent in the second crime for the {benefit_count} benefit is {pena2_minimum_days} ")

        total = pena1_minimum_days + pena2_minimum_days
        global total_days_spent
        total_days_spent += total
        print(f"Total no of days to spent for the {benefit_count} benefit {total} ")

        date_next_benefit = data_base + relativedelta(days=+total)
        print(f"{benefit_count} benefit day to avail after {date_next_benefit}")


print(f"Total number of days spent for both the crime is {total_days_spent}")


import datetime as dt
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rdelta

class Sentence:

    release_date = None

    def __init__(self, year=1970, month=1, day=1):
        """Create a new instance with the date of the arrest,
        default is set to the unix epoch...hehehe"""
        self.year = year
        self.month = month
        self.day = day
        self.base_date = dt.date(self.year, self.month, self.day)
        self.arrest_date = dt.date(self.year, self.month, self.day)

    def basedate(self):
        """Returns the basedate/arrest date"""
        return self.arrest_date

    def penalty(self, years=0, months=0, days=0):
        """Each time the penalty method is call it accumulates
        the length of the sentence.  Returns release date."""
        self.years = years
        self.months = months
        self.days = days

        if Sentence.release_date is None:
            Sentence.release_date = (self.base_date +
            Sentence.release_date = (Sentence.release_date +

        return Sentence.release_date - rdelta(days=1)

    def remaining(self):
        """Returns a tuple of years, months, days remaining of the
        self.y_remaining = rdelta(Sentence.release_date, dt.date.today()).years
        self.m_remaining = rdelta(Sentence.release_date,
        self.d_remaining = rdelta(Sentence.release_date, dt.date.today()).days

        return self.y_remaining, self.m_remaining, self.d_remaining

s1 = Sentence(2014, 11, 12)
print(f'Arreset Date: {"":>31}{s1.basedate()}')
print(f'Release Date after 1st sentence: {"":>12}{s1.penalty(7, 4, 0)}')
print(f'Release Date after 2nd sentence: {"":>12}{s1.penalty(4, 10, 20)}')
# print(f'Release Date after 2nd sentence: {"":>12}{s1.penalty(1, 2, 5)}')
print(f'Time remaining on sentence as of {dt.date.today()}: '
      f'{s1.remaining()[0]} years, {s1.remaining()[1]} months, '
      f'{s1.remaining()[2]} days')

# Output
# Arreset Date:                                2014-11-12
# Release Date after 1st sentence:             2022-03-11
# Release Date after 2nd sentence:             2027-01-31
# Time remaining on sentence as of 2020-04-24: 6 years, 9 months, 8 days




import datetime, math
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

# Método dias para anos, meses e dias.
def days_to_ymd(days):
    global days_to_ymd_result
    years = days // 365
    months = (days % 365) // 30
    days = (days % 365) % 30
    days_to_ymd_result = relativedelta(years=+years, months=+months, days=+days)
    return days_to_ymd_result

# Método anos, meses e dias para dias.
def ymd_to_days(years, months, days):
    global ymd_to_days_result
    ymd_to_days_result = (years * 365) + (months * 30) + days
    return ymd_to_days_result

# Método frações de dias.
def frac(days, frac):
    global frac_result
    frac_result = math.ceil(days * frac)
    return frac_result

# Data base.
data_base = datetime.date(day=12, month=11, year=2014)
print("Data base: " + data_base.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"))

# Informações sobre as penas.
pena1 = relativedelta(years=+7, months=+4, days=+0)
pena1_totaldays = ymd_to_days(years=pena1.years, months=pena1.months, days=pena1.days)
pena2 = relativedelta(years=+4, months=+10, days=+20)
pena2_totaldays = ymd_to_days(years=pena2.years, months=pena2.months, days=pena2.days)
pena_total = pena1 + pena2
pena_total_days = ymd_to_days(years=pena_total.years, months=pena_total.months, days=pena_total.days)
print("Pena 1: " + str(pena1.years) + "a, " + str(pena1.months) + "m, " + str(pena1.days) + "d (" + str(pena1_totaldays) + " dias).")
print("Pena 2: " + str(pena2.years) + "a, " + str(pena2.months) + "m, " + str(pena2.days) + "d (" + str(pena2_totaldays) + " dias).")
print("Pena total: " + str(pena_total.years) + "a, " + str(pena_total.months) + "m, " + str(pena_total.days) + "d (" + str(pena_total_days) + " dias).")

# Frações de pena.
pena1_frac = frac(days=pena1_totaldays, frac=2/5)
pena2_frac = frac(days=pena2_totaldays, frac=1/6)
frac_total_days = pena1_frac + pena2_frac - 72
frac_total = days_to_ymd(frac_total_days)
print("2/5 de " + str(pena1.years) + "a, " + str(pena1.months) + "m, " + str(pena1.days) + "d (" + str(pena1_totaldays) + " dias): " + str(days_to_ymd(pena1_frac).years) + "a, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena1_frac).months) + "m, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena1_frac).days) + "d (" + str(pena1_frac) + " dias).")
print("1/6 de " + str(pena2.years) + "a, " + str(pena2.months) + "m, " + str(pena2.days) + "d (" + str(pena2_totaldays) + " dias): " + str(days_to_ymd(pena2_frac).years) + "a, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena2_frac).months) + "m, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena2_frac).days) + "d (" + str(pena2_frac) + " dias).")
print("Total a ser cumprido: " + str(frac_total.years) + "a, " + str(frac_total.months) + "m, " + str(frac_total.days) + "d (" + str(frac_total_days) + " dias).")

# Semiaberto.
data_semiaberto = data_base + (relativedelta(years=+frac_total.years, months=+frac_total.months, days=+(frac_total.days - 1))) # -1 = Inclui o dia do começo (art. 10, CP).
print("Data prevista para o regime semiaberto: " + str(data_semiaberto.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")))

# Pena restante.
pena1_restante_days = pena1_totaldays - pena1_frac
pena2_restante_days = pena2_totaldays - pena2_frac
pena_restante_total_days = pena1_restante_days + pena2_restante_days
pena1_restante = days_to_ymd(pena1_restante_days)
pena2_restante = days_to_ymd(pena2_restante_days)
pena_restante = days_to_ymd(pena_restante_total_days)
print("Pena 1 restante: " + str(pena1_restante.years) + "a, " + str(pena1_restante.months) + "m, " + str(pena1_restante.days) + "d (" + str(pena1_restante_days) + " dias).")
print("Pena 2 restante: " + str(pena2_restante.years) + "a, " + str(pena2_restante.months) + "m, " + str(pena2_restante.days) + "d (" + str(pena2_restante_days) + " dias).")
print("Pena total restante: " + str(pena_restante.years) + "a, " + str(pena_restante.months) + "m, " + str(pena_restante.days) + "d (" + str(pena_restante_total_days) + " dias).")

# Frações da pena.
pena1_frac = frac(days=pena1_restante_days, frac=2/5)
pena2_frac = frac(days=pena2_restante_days, frac=1/6)
frac_total_days = (pena1_frac + pena2_frac)
frac_total = days_to_ymd(frac_total_days)
print("2/5 de " + str(pena1_restante.years) + "a, " + str(pena1_restante.months) + "m, " + str(pena1_restante.days) + "d (" + str(pena1_restante_days) + " dias): " + str(days_to_ymd(pena1_frac).years) + "a, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena1_frac).months) + "m, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena1_frac).days) + "d (" + str(pena1_frac) + " dias).")
print("1/6 de " + str(pena2_restante.years) + "a, " + str(pena2_restante.months) + "m, " + str(pena2_restante.days) + "d (" + str(pena2_restante_days) + " dias): " + str(days_to_ymd(pena2_frac).years) + "a, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena2_frac).months) + "m, " + str(days_to_ymd(pena2_frac).days) + "d (" + str(pena2_frac) + " dias).")
print("Total a ser cumprido: " + str(frac_total.years) + "a, " + str(frac_total.months) + "m, " + str(frac_total.days) + "d (" + str(frac_total_days) + " dias).")

# Aberto.
data_aberto = data_semiaberto + (relativedelta(years=+frac_total.years, months=+frac_total.months, days=+(frac_total.days - 1))) # -1 = Inclui o dia do começo (art. 10, CP).
print("Data prevista para o regime aberto: " + str(data_aberto.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")))

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