
2024-09-26 18:20:57 发布

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[['_S', ['_NP _VP']], ['_NP', ['_Det _Adj _N', '_Det _N', '_Adj _PropN', '_PropN']], ['_VP', ['_Vi', '_Vt _NP', '_Vc _Comp _S']]]
[['_Det', ['the', 'a', 'some', 'any', 'every']], ['_Adj', ['green', 'young', 'tired', 'confused']], ['_N', ['dog', 'cat']], ['_PropN', ['John', 'Mary']], ['_Vi', ['sleeps', 'walks']], ['_Vt', ['loves', 'hates']], ['_Vc', ['says', 'thinks', 'believes']], ['_Comp', ['that']]]


import random

psg_rules_str = "S → NP VP\n" \
                "NP → Det Adj N | Det N | Adj PropN | PropN\n" \
                "VP → Vi | Vt NP | Vc Comp S"

terminals_str = "Det → the | a | some | any | every\n" \
                "Adj → green | young | tired | confused\n" \
                "N → dog | cat\n" \
                "PropN → John | Mary\n" \
                "Vi → sleeps | walks\n" \
                "Vt → loves | hates\n" \
                "Vc → says | thinks | believes\n" \
                "Comp → that"

psg_rules_list = [a.split("→") for a in psg_rules_str.split("\n")]
for p in psg_rules_list:
    p[0] = "_" + p[0].strip()
    p[1] = p[1].split("|")
    p[1] = ["_" + a.strip().replace(" ", " _") for a in p[1]]
# [['_S', ['_NP _VP']], ['_NP', ['_Det _Adj _N', '_Det _N', '_Adj _PropN', '_PropN']], ['_VP', ['_Vi', '_Vt _NP', '_Vc _Comp _S']]]

terminals_list = [a.split("→") for a in terminals_str.split("\n")]
for t in terminals_list:
    t[0] = "_" + t[0].strip()
    t[1] = t[1].split("|")
    t[1] = [a.strip() for a in t[1]]
# [['_Det', ['the', 'a', 'some', 'any', 'every']], ['_Adj', ['green', 'young', 'tired', 'confused']], ['_N', ['dog', 'cat']], ['_PropN', ['John', 'Mary']], ['_Vi', ['sleeps', 'walks']], ['_Vt', ['loves', 'hates']], ['_Vc', ['says', 'thinks', 'believes']], ['_Comp', ['that']]]

def reachTerminals(from_nts, with_rules, with_ts):
    from_nts = str.upper("_" + from_nts.replace("_", "").strip().replace(" ", " _"))
    rule_tags = [a[0] for a in with_rules]
    ts_tags = [a[0] for a in with_ts]
    nts_todo = [a for a in rule_tags if a in from_nts]
    while nts_todo != list():
        tag = nts_todo[0]
        wr_index = rule_tags.index(tag)
        repl_choices = with_rules[wr_index][1]

        nts_todo = [a for a in rule_tags if a in from_nts]

sentence = reachTerminals(from_nts="s", with_rules=psg_rules_list, with_ts=terminals_list)

Tags: inforwithnpruleslistvidet
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-26 18:20:57


import random

psg_rules_str = "S → NP VP\n" \
                "NP → Det Adj N | Det N | Adj PropN | PropN\n" \
                "VP → Vi | Vt NP | Vc Comp S"

terminals_str = "Det → the | a | some | any | every\n" \
                "Adj → green | young | tired | confused\n" \
                "N → dog | cat\n" \
                "PropN → John | Mary\n" \
                "Vi → sleeps | walks\n" \
                "Vt → loves | hates\n" \
                "Vc → says | thinks | believes\n" \
                "Comp → that"

psg_rules_list = [a.split("→") for a in psg_rules_str.split("\n")]
for p in psg_rules_list:
    p[0] = "_" + p[0].strip()
    p[1] = p[1].split("|")
    p[1] = ["_" + a.strip().replace(" ", " _") for a in p[1]]

terminals_list = [a.split("→") for a in terminals_str.split("\n")]
for t in terminals_list:
    t[0] = "_" + t[0].strip()
    t[1] = t[1].split("|")
    t[1] = [a.strip() for a in t[1]]

def reachTerminals(from_nts, with_rules, with_ts):
    from_nts = str.upper("_" + from_nts.replace("_", "").strip().replace(" ", " _"))
    rule_tags = [a[0] for a in with_rules]
    ts_tags = [a[0] for a in with_ts]
    nts_todo = [a for a in rule_tags if a in from_nts]
    while nts_todo:
        for tag in nts_todo:
            wr_index = rule_tags.index(tag)
            repl_choices = with_rules[wr_index][1]

            choice = random.choice(repl_choices)
            from_nts = from_nts.replace(tag, choice, 1)
        nts_todo = [a for a in rule_tags if a in from_nts]

    ts_todo = [a for a in ts_tags if a in from_nts]
    while ts_todo:
        for tag in ts_todo:
            wr_index = ts_tags.index(tag)
            repl_choices = with_ts[wr_index][1]

            choice = random.choice(repl_choices)
            from_nts = from_nts.replace(tag, choice, 1)
        ts_todo = [a for a in ts_tags if a in from_nts]

    return from_nts

print(reachTerminals(from_nts = "s", with_rules = psg_rules_list, with_ts = terminals_list))


green John loves some confused dog

Mary says that the tired dog says that some green cat hates some cat

every green dog loves young John

John loves the tired cat

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