
2024-10-02 16:32:16 发布

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import random

deck = {"Ace of Spades": 11, "2 of Spades": 2, "3 of Spades": 3, "4 of Spades": 4,
        "5 of Spades": 5, "6 of Spades": 6, "7 of Spades": 7, "8 of Spades": 8,
        "9 of Spades": 9, "10 of Spades": 10, "Jack of Spades": 10,
        "Queen of Spades": 10, "King of Spades": 10,
        "Ace of Hearts": 11, "2 of Hearts": 2, "3 of Hearts": 3, "4 of Hearts": 4,
        "5 of Hearts": 5, "6 of Hearts": 6, "7 of Hearts": 7, "8 of Hearts": 8,
        "9 of Hearts": 9, "10 of Hearts": 10, "Jack of Hearts": 10,
        "Queen of Hearts": 10, "King of Hearts": 10,
        "Ace of Clovers": 11, "2 of Clovers": 2, "3 of Clovers": 3, "4 of Clovers": 4,
        "5 of Clovers": 5, "6 of Clovers": 6, "7 of Clovers": 7, "8 of Clovers": 8,
        "9 of Clovers": 9, "10 of Clovers": 10, "Jack of Clovers": 10,
        "Queen of Clovers": 10, "King of Clovers": 10,
        "Ace of Diamonds": 11, "2 of Diamonds": 2, "3 of Diamonds": 3, "4 of Diamonds": 4,
        "5 of Diamonds": 5, "6 of Diamonds": 6, "7 of Diamonds": 7, "8 of Diamonds": 8,
        "9 of Diamonds": 9, "10 of Diamonds": 10, "Jack of Diamonds": 10,
        "Queen of Diamonds": 10, "King of Diamonds": 10}

#####                                   DEFINING DEAL |BJ - SPECIFIC|                                         #####

def deal(deck: dict, value: int, cards_in_hand: list, show_list: list):
    Deals a card for the Black Jack game and provides the added value of the card.
    :param deck: A Dictionary. Same for everybody.
    :param value: A score. Dependant on the player.
    :param cards_in_hand: A list. Dependant on the player.
    :return: Returns a random selected card, its int value and the updated deck without
    the drawn card
    card = random.choice(list(deck))
    hand_value = deck.get(card) + value
    for card in cards_in_hand:
        if hand_value > 21 and "Ace" in card:
            hand_value = hand_value - 10
    return card, hand_value

#####                                                    RESET                                                #####

def reset(list1: list, list2: list, list3: list, list4: list,
          int1: int, int2: int, my_choice_: str, bot_choice_: str, deck_: dict):
    Resets all the factors of the game to begin from scratch everytime you begin a new game.
    :param list1: Your hand related to value.
    :param list2: Your hand related to figures (or cards).
    :param list3: The bots hand related to value.
    :param list4: The bots related to figures (or cards).
    :param int1: The value or score of your cards.
    :param int2: The value or score of the bots hand.
    :param my_choice_: The decision to 'hit' or 'stand'.
    :param bot_choice_: The bots decision to 'hit' or 'stand'.
    :param deck_: The dictionary containing the full deck of cards.
    :return: Gives you back all the values as originals.
    list1 = []
    list2 = []
    list3 = []
    list4 = []
    int1 = 0
    int2 = 0
    bot_choice_ = ""
    my_choice_ = ""
    deck_ = {"Ace of Spades": 11, "2 of Spades": 2, "3 of Spades": 3, "4 of Spades": 4,
             "5 of Spades": 5, "6 of Spades": 6, "7 of Spades": 7, "8 of Spades": 8,
             "9 of Spades": 9, "10 of Spades": 10, "Jack of Spades": 10,
             "Queen of Spades": 10, "King of Spades": 10,
             "Ace of Hearts": 11, "2 of Hearts": 2, "3 of Hearts": 3, "4 of Hearts": 4,
             "5 of Hearts": 5, "6 of Hearts": 6, "7 of Hearts": 7, "8 of Hearts": 8,
             "9 of Hearts": 9, "10 of Hearts": 10, "Jack of Hearts": 10,
             "Queen of Hearts": 10, "King of Hearts": 10,
             "Ace of Clovers": 11, "2 of Clovers": 2, "3 of Clovers": 3, "4 of Clovers": 4,
             "5 of Clovers": 5, "6 of Clovers": 6, "7 of Clovers": 7, "8 of Clovers": 8,
             "9 of Clovers": 9, "10 of Clovers": 10, "Jack of Clovers": 10,
             "Queen of Clovers": 10, "King of Clovers": 10,
             "Ace of Diamonds": 11, "2 of Diamonds": 2, "3 of Diamonds": 3, "4 of Diamonds": 4,
             "5 of Diamonds": 5, "6 of Diamonds": 6, "7 of Diamonds": 7, "8 of Diamonds": 8,
             "9 of Diamonds": 9, "10 of Diamonds": 10, "Jack of Diamonds": 10,
             "Queen of Diamonds": 10, "King of Diamonds": 10}
    return list1, list2, list3, list4, int1, int2, my_choice_, bot_choice_, deck_

#####                                                 BOT PLAYER                                              #####

def bot(bot_score: int) -> str:
    This bot is made to decide if s/he want to get another card from the dealer or not, depending on
    the value of his hand in relation to 21.
    :param bot_score: An int score of the sum value of cards
    :return: A decision of [Y/N] for 'Yes' or 'No' depending on card values.
    if bot_score <= 16:
        bots_choice = "Y"
        bots_choice = "N"
    return bots_choice

#####                                                    REFEREE                                              #####

def referee(bot_score: int, score: int, show_of_human: list, show_of_robot: list):
    Compares the scores of the player and the bot and dictates a winner.
    :param bot_score: The int value of the sum of values of the cards of the bot.
    :param score: The int value of the sum of values of the cards of the player.
    :return: A decision of [Y/N] for 'Yes' or 'No' depending on card values.
    referee_says = ""
    if bot_score >= 22 and score <= 21:
        referee_says = "DEALER: Ruben went over 21. You win!"
    elif score >= 22 and bot_score <= 21:
        referee_says = "DEALER: You went over 21. Ruben win!"
    elif bot_score and score >= 22:
        referee_says = "DEALER: You both went over 21. Nobody wins!"
        if bot_score == score:
            referee_says = "DEALER: It's a tie!"
        elif bot_score < score:
            referee_says = "DEALER: You win!"
            referee_says = "DEALER: Ruben win!"
    return "YOUR HAND: {1}\nRUBEN'S HAND: {0}\n\nWith a score of:\nYOU: {3}\nRUBEN: {2}\n" \
        .format(show_of_robot, show_of_human, bot_score, score) + referee_says

#####                                             SCORES & HAND                                               #####

score = 0
bot_score = 0
my_cards = []
bots_cards = []
show_of_hand = []
show_of_bot = []
another_bot_card = ""
another_card = ""
hit = "Y"
stand = "N"
continue_playing = True

#####                                              INTRO & GAME                                               #####

input("Press ENTER to play some Black Jack")
ready_payer_one = input("DEALER: 'Are you ready to begin?'[Y/N]: ")
print("-" * 72)

while continue_playing:
    while ready_payer_one.upper() != "Y" or "N":
        if ready_payer_one.upper() == "Y":
            hand, score = deal(deck, score, my_cards, show_of_hand)
            hand2, score = deal(deck, score, my_cards, show_of_hand)
            bot_hand, bot_score = deal(deck, bot_score, bots_cards, show_of_bot)
            bot_hand2, bot_score = deal(deck, bot_score, bots_cards, show_of_bot)
            print("You got dealt a {} and a {}\n&".format(hand, hand2))
            print("Ruben, the robot, got dealt a {} and a face-down card".format(bot_hand))
            print("-" * 72)
            while another_bot_card.upper() != stand or another_card.upper() != stand:
                another_card = input("DEALER: Would you like another card?[Y/N]: ")
                another_bot_card = bot(bot_score)
                print("-" * 72)
                if another_card.upper() != hit or stand:
                    if another_card.upper() == hit:
                        hand, score = deal(deck, score, my_cards, show_of_hand)
                        print("You draw a {},".format(hand))
                    elif another_card.upper() == stand:
                        print("You stand,")
                    elif another_card.upper() != hit or stand:
                        another_card = input("DEALER: Dude, that's not a valid option. 'Y' to Hit or 'N' to Stand: ")
                        print("-" * 72)
                        if another_card.upper() == hit:
                            hand, score = deal(deck, score, my_cards, show_of_hand)
                            print("You draw a {}".format(hand))
                        elif another_card.upper() == stand:
                            print("You stand")

                if another_bot_card.upper() != stand:
                    bot_hand, bot_score = deal(deck, bot_score, bots_cards, show_of_bot)
                    print("Ruben draw a {}\n".format(bot_hand) + "-" * 72)
                    print("Ruben stands\n" + "-" * 72)

            final = referee(bot_score, score, show_of_hand, show_of_bot)
            print(final + "\n" + ("-" * 72))
            my_cards, bots_cards, show_of_hand, show_of_bot, score, bot_score, another_card, another_bot_card, deck = \
                reset(my_cards, bots_cards, show_of_hand, show_of_bot, score, bot_score, another_card, another_bot_card,

        elif ready_payer_one.upper() == "N":
            print("DEALER: Thanks for the interest. Later!")
            ready_payer_one = input("DEALER: That's not a valid choice. Please, choose 'Y' for Play or 'N' to Quit. ")
            print("-" * 72)
    again = input("DEALER: Type 'Iztaccihuatl' to PLAY AGAIN or 'N' to quit: ")
    print("DEALER: Haha trolled you. For next time, you can type anything to PLAY AGAIN...")
    print("-" * 72)
    if again.upper() == "N":
        print("MAURICIO: Thanks for playing!")
        continue_playing = False

Tags: ofthebotshowanothercardcardsscore


card = random.choice(list(deck))
hand_value = deck.get(card) + value
for card in cards_in_hand:
    if hand_value > 21 and "Ace" in card:
        hand_value = hand_value - 10
return card, hand_value

最后一行:return card, hand_value,大概是要返回随机发牌的卡(您刚刚通过random.choice发牌),以及您当前手牌的总价值。但是,标识符card正被重新用于for循环:for card in cards_in_hand。实际上,您从random.choice(list(deck))获得的卡现在已丢失,并已替换为用于迭代cards_in_hand集合的临时卡。当您到达return语句时,card将具有您的cards_in_hand列表中最后一张卡的值。而且,只有当cards_in_hand不是空的时候,这个错误才会发生,因为如果它是空的,循环就永远不会发生


card = random.choice(list(deck))



while ready_payer_one.upper() != "Y" or "N":

if another_card.upper() != hit or stand:

elif another_card.upper() != hit or stand:


如果在程序开头添加一行,定义如下数组: used = [False] * 52 # checks whether the card you are picking has been drawn

然后在deal函数中,您可以将card = random.choice(list(deck))更改为

choice = random.randint(0, 51)
while used[choice] is True:
    choice = random.randint(0, 51)
used[choice] = True
card = list(deck)[choice]


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